The same request some years now!
Dont remove empty lines or lines starting with # if you try to touch GUI on automations.yaml.
The same request some years now!
Dont remove empty lines or lines starting with # if you try to touch GUI on automations.yaml.
Yet another post this Month if WTH about this topic… And the same answer is what’s been said all along; it’s not possible until whatever JSON library that HA uses is updated to support them.
Why not just consider the commented automation as a source file. Copy that to a temp file then send the temp file to the JSON library which can strip all the comments as it does now.
Thanks Matthew for reply!
Maybe should thinking changing of JSON Library that can handle this then.
It’s always commented that code writers don’t comment or document their code.
Here when trying to do it is everytime removed.
Alias was added for this purpose.