WTH Every Bluetooth Tracker That Comes Near My House Is Added as a Device? (iBeacon Tracker)

When using the iBeacon Tracker integration, frustratingly, every Bluetooth tracker, Rivian key fob, Bluetooth headlight, etc. that comes within range of my hub is added as a device (with its entities disabled because of the option) to my hub automatically. There should be a way to disable adding them.

Is it the Bluetooth LE Tracker you are using? In that case, try this: Bluetooth LE Tracker - Home Assistant
Otherwise, more info would be good?
And also, dont forget to vote on this yourself :slight_smile:

The iBeacon Tracker picks up all kinds of passing devices for me. No option for ignoring new detections

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Yep being able to disable ibeacon discovery once you have everything you want added would be nice

Maybe you should edit your first post or title if able that you are asking about ibeacon.

Also, I agree! An allowed folder or a bin that collects everything that has passed by you can pick through later would be helpful.


Doesn’t turning off “enable newly discovered entities” in iBeacon systems options accomplish this?

I used to get all those until I turned that off. Now I only turn it back on temporarily if I need to add a new tracker.


This is EXACTLY how to manage this

When you’re not adding a device make sure this is off. (im still removing entities two years later)


That config option is probably an excellent candidate for being reworded

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Updated the first post.

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Neither configuration item is documented as far as I can tell.

The top toggle determines whether or not newly discovered devices come in with entities enabled or disabled.

Through various github and community posts I’ve found, the bottom toggle is not known to do anything.

There are several more github bugs that have spanned multiple years. It may boil down to not being able to disable discovery on bluetooth proxies or something like that. Either way is, there are many of us in those posts that are frustrated about the extra flood of devices being added.

As a fun little aside… My toggles are both off so HA shouldn’t be adding anything. About 20 minutes ago, I spent 15 minutes deleting around 200 devices. In the last 5 minutes I have already had three added back.

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