WTH I cannot replay automations or inject triggers into automations?

Kind of a heavy ask here.

Traces are very nice for debugging, but I can debug only cases that have happened. But sometimes I want to debug some situation that rarely happens. Say I want a certain action to happen when my camera detects a dog, Right now I need a literal dog in front to my camera to check if my automation works correctly. I want to inject an arbitrary fake YAML as a trigger for automation in the same way I can change the state and attributes.

You can force a state change in the developer tools for whatever your trigger is.

Yes, but not all automation is state-based. For example, mqtt or event-based automation is harder to replicate. Conditions may also depend on other factors, like time. I’m not saying it’s impossible; I’m saying it will be nice if we can have an automation simulator.

This is similar to multiple exisitng WTH:


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