So I checked again. I can confirm the OP’s experience. I had a graph that did not update either. Last data point timestamp was 15 mins ago when I stopped waiting. Then clicked the graph away, immediately brought it up again by long press of a card. Then I had a data point a few mins old. Android app, core 25.1.b2.
And completely independent from this, I think these graphs should behave the same as the history dashboard graphs so that’s a wth in itself.
Unrelated to the topic - but please specify a full version, this info is misleading.
Not sure what you mean.
In my opinion, more-info should always show a normal history-graph even for sensors with LTS. See a link to the closed issue posted above.
But this deserves a separate WTH since this current one was about other things.
Misleading? That’s a pretty strong word. And this is a WTH, not a github issue. But if you find it confusing I am glad to specify further. My HA core version is 2025.1.0b2. I really didn’t think leaving out the millennium or the 0 (beta is always for 0) was impact full in this context.
What I meant with the last part is that if I click on an entity and I get a graph named ‘history’ , expected behavior to me is to get a graph similar to what is displayed in the ‘history’ dashboard, ie with live updates and raw values for the recent points. That is more useful when closely inspecting an entity’s value in my opinion. So the fact that I get a graph with LTS values (or not, depending on which entity I’ve chosen) would warrant a separate WTH or FR to me. If there are strong reasons to keep it this way, I would at least ask for the graph to get a different name (recent statistics??) to make the difference more clear.
Oh I’ve wondered about this since almost day 1 but never bothered raising it on the forums.
It’s a super simple seeming issue.
The LATEST value of the sensor is not part of the graph, ever. I don’t know why it works like that, I’ve resigned myself to it. It is super questionable why it does that IMHO.
By “the graph” I mean the more-info popup.
I’m voting for this one but as with so many small issues in HA I don’t think it’ll ever be addressed.
I’ve no idea why it’s controversial (I admit I haven’t read this entire thread) but this has always been an odd quirk. I think it’s extremely unintuitive to any new user.
I do recall that is not exactly how it happens - it shows prev. data.
May be the graph should update every 5 minutes.
But in fact I see previous data.
Just came home, switched on test HA server, after ~15 minutes after HA booted up (with no errors in Log except that bloody go2rtc spamming Log).
And I see this:
I’m not stating that the WTH is invalid. What I am trying to get across that the experience of reporting WTH’s is less welcoming that I had expected and hoped.
The focus seems to be on telling me that what I’m seeing can’t be true, and that things are perfectly as they should be, and I not worth your precious time.
I can understand that my initial impression of what I was supposed to see in that view is not correct, but it’s taking a very long time to get to the point where the intended behavior was clear. So far any effort get an understanding of the reasoning behind the intended behavior has been in wain.
I don’t understand how that has any relevance at all. Is it somehow a requirement for a WTH to be considered that the OP must vote for it? If so I have apparently overlooked that bit of information.
I’m not offended by you providing information about the current functionality.
I took the time to elaborate on why I think the current behavior is confusing.
Then you quote one sentence of that to tell me that I’m wrong. Apparently you didn’t even take the time to actually read what I wrote, since you misrepresented my post and claimed that “Your state above the graph is also live.”, which is the opposite of what i wrote.
You then immediately go on to tell me that I’m still wrong. I then told you that I spent time checking this and provide you more details about what I’m seeing. Your response is again to immediately dismiss it as something in my environment.
I don’t know if you are aware of it, but the green label after your username can come across as a form of authority - even though I know you are not primarily participating in this discussion as a moderator. At the very least it signals that you are part of the core of the community, and that adds weight to you posts - especially when you write statements without room for interpretation and without interest in why other peoples experience is different than yours like “Yes it does. The LTS graph updates when it aggregates, which is every 5 minutes.”
This is what I’m talking about with “combative”. I’m just providing information, I never said you were wrong, I am clarifying current behavior. You are clearly here for an argument and I suggest you step back and think twice before you reply again.