Don’t get me wrong, the todo list is awesome, but I wish there was a proper list to hold sensor values, perhaps even in JSON form. Let me give some examples:
- This would make it possible to save the N latest states of sensors without having to make a number of helpers
- This would also make it possible to save data from API endpoints or scraping in a potentially more accessible way
- One could then use something like an auto-entities (or auto-list-entries) card to show all the list values on a dashboard if one wants to. The values could also be used for calculations, such as getting the average sensor value from the N latest states.
In the past I have tried to create a makeshift list as a comma separated input text sensor value, but swapping out values in this “list” was extremely cumbersome, and text sensors have a character limit. Using the todo-list also makes all the lists end up on the todo-list dashboard which feels a bit off when they don’t really belong there.