As the title says, WTH Schedule Helper can’t be adjusted in 1 minute increments? Currently you can only change it in 15 minutes increments.
Also, another good addition for this would be to have an easy way using UI to see when the next event of the schedule will trigger. My goal with this would be to add one automation with a period of time that my son’s TV can stay on and create another automation that runs every minute checking for when the next event will trigger and if the the time for this next event is equal to 5 send a TTS message telling him the TV will be turned off in 5 minutes.
This feature was added a few months ago. When you click on the individual schedule blocks in the more-info dialog, a sub-dialog appears that you can adjust it to the minute.
Also I believe the time of next state change is already an attribute of the schedule entity.
Thanks for the info. I can see the sub-dialog box in there and feel dumb now… How did I miss that? I will look for more information about the next state change but I believe if that exists would require ymal coding instead of UI which would be great to have.
As per the WTH FAQ, only one item per WTH post. As your first item is already available I have closed this. Please open a new WTH for your other request.