WTH We don't have selectable date ranges in chart range selectors for history, logbook, and energy

You mean WTH for a picker or the picker implemented? IMO the current one is… deserves WTH. This is why I’m asking.

There’s a few WTHs about history in general. Some are for the picker, some are for the graphs. This one is specifically about crappy date ranges from what I can tell.

I find it very difficult after change of a month to get a meaningful view in a diagram. The date pickers are very fiddly and convoluted on many platforms.
There should be a choice with a floating 4-week time frame similar to the fixed this / last month settings.

Speaking about grafana, what about user-defined ranges (stored on the server!) and some functions helping build own ranges (floating, dynamic, fixed whatever)

Sometimes I have impression that HA community (incl devs) is trying to re-invent a wheel.

Created a pull request for it, adding Last 24 hours, Last 30 days and Last 365 days:

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but you did not include ranges below 24h, which is my main gripe.


To be maximal flexible, i created another request for increase and decrease the timespans, also lower 24h: History and logbook increase and decrease timespan (Zoom Out / In) by boern99 · Pull Request #23358 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub


Recently I’ve run a user test just on this topic on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/comments/1ii4nvz/help_us_improve_the_home_assistant/ you can view the results in the thread and the work done by @Boern99 in his PR: Add timespans to logbook, energy and history by boern99 · Pull Request #23362 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub