WTH why can't an administrator change a user's password

Annoying, it seems that the only way is to drop the user and create it again.

this is really annoying i’ve had to do that several times already

You can change the password from the cli:

auth reset --username existing_user --password new_password

or if your on a venv installation:

$ hass --script auth change_password user_name new_password

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yeah but adding it the ui would make it more user friendly

This is true, but still, it is wrong that the only way would be to drop the user and create it again.

Sure, it is the only way that I knew

yeah 100% right sorry

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No offens, but then you didn’t look at the documentation. :wink:

:flushed: :shushing_face:

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I just had to use this function so I went to the docs and copied the command and when I was trying to use it I realise that this is a Home Assistant (Hassio) feature and not Home Assistant Core feature. So if you are a Home Assistant Core user this the “change user password” function is non-existant.

Please tell me I’m wrong again because that would make me happy :slight_smile:

As written in WTH why can't an administrator change a user's password

$ hass --script auth change_password user_name new_password
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Thanks for your fast reply and sorry I missed that part. I was too focued on the documentation instead of your reply.

So the script runs now but outputs “User not found”. Need to troubleshoot that.

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Definetly something funky about this one

bash-5.0# hass --script auth list

Total users: 0

I cant figure it out :frowning:
I’m running Home Assistant Core docker image homeassistant/home-assistant and when I run the hass command within the container it does not recognise the running service. It sure respons with the correct version and all but it does not pick up the running service.

Point it at your config directory with --config /config