WTH - Why does it seem like lots of github issues are auto closed

then this is the developer’s fault. he should describe what he achieved and ask for help (other devs or the reporter).
doing some trial and leaving no information is even worse than doing nothing. It may lead other devs to waste time on the same actions.

then answering the bot cannot change this situation. It proves it’s wasting the time.

If I achieve nothing, and don’t know enough to look in to it then my comment would be more noise and not helpful. People may look at it and not be able to help, you insinuating no one cares enough to look at it is not reasonable. That is my point,

No, it keeps it open so someone who comes along and sees it can update it to have the correct codeowner. An example of this happening literally today.

Not sure what is your experience with development. But communication and sharing knowledge and experience (even these bad experiences) is the most important and powerful thing to keep dev teams and software healthy and productive. It’s even more important than programming language skills alone.
From this POV, what you are saying is just the developer’s fault.
Anyway, this doesn’t justify the requirement we are discussing in this thread.

It may be kept open without further report’s actions. This is what we are discussing here.
Repeating ‘it’s still unfixed’ to the bot doesn’t fix missing assignment of code owner.

Yes, stale bot removes the issues that are no longer valid / OP is not answering anymore meanwhile users who reply to remove the stale label do so to give the contributors time to see it and fix it given it is still an issue.

I provided an example of a dev fixing a poorly labeled issue, adding the integration so the correct contributors will be notified and have higher odds of seeing it / fixing it.

It gives contributors time to find it and fix the mislabeling of it.

You forgot your own case when the task is not assigned to code owner (and I answering to). If there is no person assigned, the only involved roles in this game is OP and bot. Nobody else. It’s the wast of time and other resources.
nobody “will find the issue” due to what all of you say: there is too many issues created

No it’s not, as I just provided an example of a contributor (not OP or bot, and that was not assigned) fixing the issue by assigning the correct group… At this point it seems like you’re ignoring what people are saying and just moving the conversation in a circle.

The less time contributors spend reading issues that are actually fixed / OP is not responding, the more time they have to respond to issues that are actually still valid.

Stale bot helps support this by closing issues that are invalid, only requiring a 15 second reply from users who are still experiencing said issue to confirm that. The notion that not having a stale bot, leaving even more issues open perpetually, would lead to more genuine issues being fixed instead of less is nonsensical.

Never seen such an approach either… But I’m just a professional programmer on IBM I, since 1989…

Let’s do another circle. I’m going to quote you again:

Also many times users incorrectly report issues which leads to no code owners being assigned so it goes unnoticed

If no code owner is assigned to the issue then pinging this issue (by OP in reaction on the bot) highly unlikely makes anybody else aware. Got it?

Stale bot closes also valid issues.
The fact nobody response doesn’t fix the issue. Doesn\t make report invalid.

What are you talking about? It moves the issue to the top of the issues page when you reply on it. It certainly makes people aware. It’s comments like this that make this stale bot argument moot. None of you know the process and are making assumptions, incorrectly.

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To clarify, the stale bot is to ensure the issue is not stale. That’s it’s goal.

When anyone comments on an issue, the issue will show up at the top of the list. Issues are ordered by activity.

Less activity moves to lower pages.

When people reply to an issue, it keeps the issue higher.

If no one is replying, then the issue falls to the bottom of the list.

Keeping an issue alive with activity puts more eyes on it.

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Depends on how you sort issues and how filter them. Of course you can achieve what you are saying. Are you sure all devs use this view?

BTW doesn’t bot response move the issue on the top also?

It’s the default view for everyone who hasn’t changed it.

No, it does not.

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