WUD (What's up docker?) Keep your containers up-to-date!

Do you have an icon of WUD somewhere that I can import into HA (I have Simple Icons, but it’s not in there)
I’ve added some of my docker container’s URLs to HA for single pane management, and WUD looks a bit bare:

As a workaround, you might use the si:docker icon for wud and use the si:portainer icon for portainer.

I did just that shortly after posting once I realized that Portainer was using the generic docker icon :slight_smile:

Really loving WUD, giving an awesome overview of what needs updating in Home Assistant, even notifying HA companion app when something needs updates !!!


By default WUD check registries every 6 hours ?
This is because of rate-limiting ?
What’s the fastest it can search , without being limited ?
A registry account is paid or free ?


By default, the check is scheduled every hour.
You can override it using the WUD_WATCHER_{watcher_name}_CRON env var.
You can specify any valid CRON expression so you can check every minute or every week as you wish.

Regarding the Docker hub quotas, it’s more complex.
Because depending on the images you’re watching, the number of API calls needed by WUD can vary.

The main feature that will lead to extra consumption is the wud.watch.digest, which is enabled by default for non-semver images (for latest images for example).

Anonymous users have access to a quota of 100 pulls per 6 hours per IP address.
Authenticated users have access to a quota of 200 pulls per 6 hours per IP address.
Creating an account on the HUB is free.

On top of that, if sou subscribe to a paid plan of the HUB, you won’t get any rate limiting at all.

Another way to circumvent this quota impediment is to pull your images from other registries.
Lots of OSS projects are now publishing their images on both Docker HUB and Github packages.
(for now, there is no quotas on Github packages).

Hey @fmartinou thanks for your hard work, that’s amazing!
I’m trying to recognize the update for transmission without success, I have deployed 3.00-r5-ls124 and 3.00-r5-ls126 should be recognized as a pre-release update, do you know what could be happening?
Available tags: Docker Hub
My config:

- wud.tag.include=^(\d+)\.(\d+)-r(\d+)-ls(\d+)$$
- wud.tag.transform=^(\d+)\.(\d+)-(r\d+)-(ls\d+)$$ => $$1.$$2.$$3.$$4

Thanks in advance for your support!

Hi @nash16 ,

The tags you’re mentioning are compliant with the semver specification (including the “dash suffix”).
So, according to me, you should not use any transform function.

Can you retry without it?

Hi @fmartinou
Thanks for your quick reply, unfortunately it’s not working, the update is not being detected :frowning:

- wud.tag.include=^\d+\.\d+\-r\d+\-ls\d+$$

The output is:

23:15:16.731  INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.ha: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_transmission]
23:15:16.733  INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Cron finished (6 containers watched, 0 errors, 0 available updates)

Looks good! How are you handling update notifications? Do you manually check each WUD sensor or do you have some clever way of checking them all?

Automation checks every wud sensor

I do not really understand. How can I make it check for homeassistant update only and how to call the update from the dashboard?

Hi there. First time using WUD and, an probably doing something stupid, but my triggers don’t register. The UI shows 0 triggers and nothing in the logs. Here is my docker-compose.yaml file. Would appreciate any advice.

    image: fmartinou/whats-up-docker
    container_name: wud
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - 3000:3000
    - /etc/my-services/docker-compose.yml:/home/ha/docker-compose.yaml
      - WUD_TRIGGER_DOCKERCOMPOSE_DCUPDATE_FILE=/home/ha/docker-compose.yaml
      - WUD_LOG_LEVEL=debug

Hi @Buckeyes1995,

Your configuration looks fine except the duplicated volumes declaration in your yaml.

My guess is that docker compose only reads the first volumes déclaration.
So your compose file is not mounted into the wud container .
So the wud trigger cannot read it.
So the trigger is not loaded.

I hope I’m right :grin:.

Please fix it then give it a new try :crossed_fingers:.

If it’s still ko after that, please share your logs. Maybe I’ll find where the glitch is…

I can’t connect to HA, I get this error:

07:41:50.242  INFO whats-up-docker/registry: Register all components of kind trigger for provider mqtt
07:41:50.646  INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Register with configuration {"url":"mqtt://","hass":{"enabled":true,"prefix":"homeassistant"},"topic":"wud/container","threshold":"all","mode":"simple","once":true,"simpletitle":"New ${kind} found for container ${name}","simplebody":"Container ${name} running with ${kind} ${local} can be updated to ${kind} ${remote}\n${link}","batchtitle":"${count} updates available"}
07:41:51.093  WARN whats-up-docker/registry: Some triggers failed to register (Error when registering component mqtt (Connection refused: Not authorized))
07:41:51.879  INFO whats-up-docker/registry.ghcr: Register with configuration {}

Does your mosquito broker expect authentication?
If so, please add the WUD_TRIGGER_MQTT_{trigger_name}USER and WUD_TRIGGER_MQTT{trigger_name}_PASSWORD env vars.

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Thanks. Works perfectly. Is it possible to trigger updates from homeassistant?

Is it possible to trigger updates from homeassistant?

Not through mqtt at this time.

Maybe using the REST API as a workaround…:thinking:

Hi and sorry for the trouble, using the portainer stacks I find myself with multiple docker-compose.yml files what configuration should I use to download the images?


edit: I figured out my problem; I literally forgot to rerun docker-compose up -d… all good and works perfectly!
