Wwlln working?

Has anybody got the new wwlln working? There is no indication in home assistant that the component has installed and working. I have also tried setting the location to an area with active storms based on the wwlln live map but still not getting an indications its working.

I have an entry on my integrations page for wwlln. But there are no entities listed.

I just thought I’d give it a shot for giggles. No giggling here, can’t even find an attribute nor an error message saying I did something wrong.

I’ve been banging my head with this for a few hours as well. It appears that It’s setup is it throws no errors, however no new entity’s that I see in the frontend, or in the unused entity’s list.


This is a geolocation component which generates and removes entities automatically. To show entries have a look at the large map or add a custom map where you define the geolocation source and set it to wwlln.

Ahhh, I see now, I believe.

And a storm seem to be headed my way to test if I have it set correctly. Great timing for a test.

:+1: Good info.

Thanks for the tips.

@bachya: Could you please add platform and source to the table on that doco page?

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So I’m not sure wwlln is working for me. Got a very basic config, with the only added variable being radius: 100

I’ve made a lovelace map and enabled wwlln as a geolocation source for that map and there’s a storm over my head right now and nothing. I’m even seeing events on the wwlln.org map that should be in my radius and nothing on the sidebar map and nothing on the dedicated lovelace map.

Any ideas?

how would we have to do that?
could you share a working map I could have a look at to customize and adapt to my localization?

have the integration successfully setup, and made an entry wwwlln: in my config. Nothing showing up anywhere…

For anyone wondering if theirs is working or not: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/25357

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Apart from the extension of the time window as part of that latest PR (I manually changed it to 1800 seconds in this example, and set the radius to 1000km), here’s is how a working map looks like:

still a bit in the dark here. I use yaml mode, so fear this way of cueing the card isnt an option…

could you find the final yaml for me and post that, so I can have a look at that please? Is this made with this Map card: https://www.home-assistant.io/lovelace/map/ ?

secondly, I am a bit confused as to how to configure the component/integration.

the geolocation doc suggests we should have this for the geolocation services:

  - platform: wwlln

but the wwlln doc says we need this:


which would be correct?

trying this:

# Geolocation

# https://www.home-assistant.io/components/geo_location/
  - platform: nsw_rural_fire_service_feed
      - 'Emergency Warning'
      - 'Watch and Act'
      - 'Advice'
    radius: 500

  - platform: wwlln
    radius: 1000
    window: 60

  - platform: geo_json_events
    url: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/all_day.geojson
    radius: 10000

  - platform: usgs_earthquakes_feed
    feed_type: 'past_day_all_earthquakes'
    radius: 10000
    minimum_magnitude: 2.0


  - type: map
    aspect_ratio: 16:9
    default_zoom: 8
      - all
      - zone.home
      - device_tracker.life360_familymember1
      - device_tracker.life360_familymember2
      - etc

It seems that this PR has not only increased the time “window” in which lightning strikes are included, but it also increased the update interval to 1 hour, i.e. you may need to wait up to 1 hour until the latest changes of the feed are reflected in the form of HA entities. Was this side effect intended?

Outstanding catch! I’ll get that updated tomorrow.

anyone on this question please, which of the 2 is to be used?

Mine is setup like:


It’s a new integration no longer a platform so:


thanks David,

funny though since I don’t get an error using both definitions…

would the integration wwlln: still be taken into account as a geo_location_source using the lovelace card:

  - type: map
    aspect_ratio: 16:9
    default_zoom: 10
      - all
      - zone.home

given this: https://www.home-assistant.io/components/wwlln/#state-attributes
using this now:

# Geolocation
  radius: 1000
  window: 60
# https://www.home-assistant.io/components/geo_location/

  - platform: nsw_rural_fire_service_feed
      - 'Emergency Warning'
      - 'Watch and Act'
      - 'Advice'
    radius: 500

#  - platform: wwlln
#    radius: 1000
#    window: 60

  - platform: geo_json_events
    url: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/all_day.geojson
    radius: 500

  - platform: usgs_earthquakes_feed
    feed_type: 'past_day_all_earthquakes'
    radius: 500