Wyoming Satelite Output on Sonos Speaker

Hi everyone

I hope this isn’t a dumb question. I just recently changed from iobroker to home assistant, which is a huge improvement.

Short: How to output the TTS to a different device (Sonos Speaker) as the Wyoming Satelite who will trigger it with the input?

Long: I do want to change my Alexa’s on my Sonos Speakers to a different LLM. For testing I do use ChatGPT first.

I configured a raspberry pi with a mic to use wyoming satelite using this documentation: wyoming-satellite/docs/tutorial_2mic.md at 41f107548f097c2825f2548329d8698221ebdf5c · rhasspy/wyoming-satellite · GitHub

So far it does work perfect. However, since I already have Sonos Speakers everywhere, I would like to have the TTS Output there and not on the Raspberry PI Output. How can I manage that?

I made an automation, but {{ trigger.to_state.state }} only contains a timestamp and I do not find the correct entity with the reply text:

alias: TTS Living Room
description: ""
  - platform: state
    entity_id: conversation.chatgpt
condition: []
  - service: media_player.play_media
      entity_id: media_player.sonos_wohnzimmer
      media_content_id: >-
        media-source://tts/cloud?message={{ trigger.to_state.state }}&language=de-DE&voice=KatjaNeural
      media_content_type: provider
        title: {{ trigger.to_state.state }}
        thumbnail: https://brands.home-assistant.io/_/cloud/logo.png
        media_class: app
        children_media_class: null
          - {}
          - media_content_type: app
            media_content_id: media-source://tts
          - media_content_type: provider
            media_content_id: >-
              media-source://tts/cloud?message={{ trigger.to_state.state }}&language=de-DE&voice=KatjaNeural
mode: single

@droath sent the solution here: Send response from sattelite somewhere else

Thank you very much!