WYSIWYG Dashboard Editor

When people usually mention a wysiwyg editor it is to be able to place the cards.
Actually making the cards is usually not a part of it.

Whenever you start to move to GUI from text you lose flexibility on use cases and add complexity on maintaining the code.

The whole idea of cards in general is a huge limitation in my opinion. You are literally trapped in a box.

Yup, the content of the cards are trapped in a box, but a wysiwyg editor will then trap the cards in a box too.

Why does there need to be cards at all? Just place elements by screen coordinates.
You set the resolution, that sets your boundaries. Then you create an image and attach an “on release” function to it that points to a device. From there you can drag that image anywhere on the screen, make it as wide or tall as you want.

I get that you don’t want to create this, you’ve made that very clear in this thread. But just because you don’t doesn’t mean that someone else wouldn’t.

An example:

I would love a wysiwyg editor that could be universal, but the hardware it has to fit to is far from universal, so I do not believe it can be done.
The current set up can be auto generated to fit all screens.

Yeah but it looks like crap. Sorry.
If it can’t be done, it can’t be done. But the example I show above runs on win/mac/linux/raspberry pi 2’s…

I’m not saying that the current implementation isn’t powerful. It is capable of great things. But it is also a barrier to entry for a lot of people. Anyways. The horse died long ago, so I’ll stop beating it.