Xiaomi Aqara Gateway - Log filling with errors

i have over 50 devices split over 2 hubs and i do not see any issues with them being overloaded. Originally i had unavailable entities, but this was resolved by moving my wifi channel furthest away from the zigbee channel. since then they have been rock solid.

Update: I recently hooked up my NUC running Hass.io in Docker via ethernet cable instead of wifi and updated to 0.89.1 (which bumps the PyXiaomiGateway version to 0.12.2) - and finally all my Xiaomi sensors are rock stable again! No more errors in the logs and the sensors work perfectly each time so far.

iā€™m not able to solve this issue,

My gateway is disabling each 2.5 hours since i change from wireless network to ethernet on a VM.

I also using zigbee2mqtt addon to getting ride of all my zigbee sensors.

When looking at system logs i see following errors each time i sent orders to gateway (in spite it works):

2019-03-19 18:19:51 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [xiaomi_gateway] _send_cmd resp << {'cmd': 'write_ack', 'sid': 'xxxxxxxx', 'data': '{"error":"Invalid key"}'} 2019-03-19 18:19:51 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [xiaomi_gateway] write_ack << {'cmd': 'write_ack', 'sid': 'xxxxxx', 'data': '{"error":"Invalid key"}'} 2019-03-19 18:19:51 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [xiaomi_gateway] Got error element in data {"error":"Invalid key"} 2019-03-19 18:19:51 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [xiaomi_gateway] _send_cmd >> b'{"cmd" : "get_id_list"}' 2019-03-19 18:19:51 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [xiaomi_gateway] _send_cmd resp << {'cmd': 'get_id_list_ack', 'sid': 'xxxxxxxx', 'token': 'Dl6iLFfwvlBMR40Z', 'data': '[]'} 2019-03-19 18:19:51 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [xiaomi_gateway] get_id_list << {'cmd': 'get_id_list_ack', 'sid': 'xxxxxxxxx', 'token': 'Dl6iLFfwvlBMR40Z', 'data': '[]'} 2019-03-19 18:19:51 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [xiaomi_gateway] _send_cmd >> b'{"cmd": "write", "sid": "xxxxxxxxxx", "data": {"rgb": 1694498815, "key":

i noticed gateway key in HA is correct (from gateway settings in xiaomi app), but its no the same which appears on this logs

Anyone has a clue to solve this issue?