i have over 50 devices split over 2 hubs and i do not see any issues with them being overloaded. Originally i had unavailable entities, but this was resolved by moving my wifi channel furthest away from the zigbee channel. since then they have been rock solid.
Update: I recently hooked up my NUC running Hass.io in Docker via ethernet cable instead of wifi and updated to 0.89.1 (which bumps the PyXiaomiGateway version to 0.12.2) - and finally all my Xiaomi sensors are rock stable again! No more errors in the logs and the sensors work perfectly each time so far.
iām not able to solve this issue,
My gateway is disabling each 2.5 hours since i change from wireless network to ethernet on a VM.
I also using zigbee2mqtt addon to getting ride of all my zigbee sensors.
When looking at system logs i see following errors each time i sent orders to gateway (in spite it works):
2019-03-19 18:19:51 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [xiaomi_gateway] _send_cmd resp << {'cmd': 'write_ack', 'sid': 'xxxxxxxx', 'data': '{"error":"Invalid key"}'} 2019-03-19 18:19:51 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [xiaomi_gateway] write_ack << {'cmd': 'write_ack', 'sid': 'xxxxxx', 'data': '{"error":"Invalid key"}'} 2019-03-19 18:19:51 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [xiaomi_gateway] Got error element in data {"error":"Invalid key"} 2019-03-19 18:19:51 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [xiaomi_gateway] _send_cmd >> b'{"cmd" : "get_id_list"}' 2019-03-19 18:19:51 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [xiaomi_gateway] _send_cmd resp << {'cmd': 'get_id_list_ack', 'sid': 'xxxxxxxx', 'token': 'Dl6iLFfwvlBMR40Z', 'data': '[]'} 2019-03-19 18:19:51 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [xiaomi_gateway] get_id_list << {'cmd': 'get_id_list_ack', 'sid': 'xxxxxxxxx', 'token': 'Dl6iLFfwvlBMR40Z', 'data': '[]'} 2019-03-19 18:19:51 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [xiaomi_gateway] _send_cmd >> b'{"cmd": "write", "sid": "xxxxxxxxxx", "data": {"rgb": 1694498815, "key":
i noticed gateway key in HA is correct (from gateway settings in xiaomi app), but its no the same which appears on this logs
Anyone has a clue to solve this issue?