Xiaomi Cloud Vacuum Map Extractor

How did you load the rooms information? is loading by default?

I may be mistaken on this but I believe the Roborock integration pulls that from the map that is saved on the vacuum. I took the time to split out each room when I created the map.

It is embedded in map data

Yes, it seems to retrieve it directly from the vacuum, without the cloud


Nevermind i did not see the card entity.


Hi Piotr

I have a strange issue. I have 2 Roborock S7 and everything works fine with the integration. The only bug i have is the Lovelace MAP, it shows me twice the same map on both robots. The Actions on the lovelace are working and go to the right Roborock but the map still doesnā€™t update.
Now thats a problem for the Pin and Go etc. function.
Any Ideas?
As i said, checked the config, got 2 different IPs and 2 Tokens for the robots, so everything should be configured in the config.yaml

I aswell configured Names on the Platform integration

Hi there

I have everything set up, rooms etc. works very well, thank you Piotr!
The only thing i see is, that when i send my robot to clean a room, he ignores teh x1, x2,x 3. I tested with both my robots and it always just goes and cleans it once.
Could this be a bug perhaps?

Which vacuums do you have?

I have 2 s7 roborock.



Can anyone tell me why I am getting this error in the Log:
2023-01-29 00:44:21.058 ERROR (SyncWorker_7) [custom_components.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor.camera] Unable to log in, check credentials

Using Roborock S5.
The map itself seems to be extracted from the vacuum.

Does the camera show the map?

The camera has some OLD image from some previous run (a whole cleanup map).
Just started the vacuum (zone clean), first got a ā€œunable to retrieve ā€¦ā€ message on the camera, then ran ā€œgo to home commandā€, then got the latest cleanup map (which lasted for 1-2 minutes).
Except that ā€œunable to retrieve ā€¦ā€ message, everything seems to work OK.
But why I am getting that ā€œUnable to log in, check credentialsā€ on HA startup? (only on startup)

I dont know what do to relly,

i have HACS and have install it all, i think.
i can see the map and start/stop robot. i have Xiaomi Miio installd as well, and i can see my house/map on it.

i have this in my cofig. ymal.

  - platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
    host: "myipda1"
    token: "5ege53533553544a4c"
    username: "mymail"
    password: "onetow34sx"
    country: "de"
    draw: ['all']
      - calibration_points

and i have this on my card that i have added manuell,

title: Xiaomi Vacuum
preset_name: Live map
entity: vacuum.runner
  camera: camera.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
  camera: true
  - icon: mdi:play
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: cleaning
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: error
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: returning
    tooltip: Start
      action: call-service
      service: vacuum.start
        entity_id: vacuum.runner
  - icon: mdi:pause
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: docked
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: idle
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: error
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: paused
    tooltip: Pause
      action: call-service
      service: vacuum.pause
        entity_id: vacuum.runner
  - icon: mdi:stop
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: docked
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: idle
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: error
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: paused
    tooltip: Stop
      action: call-service
      service: vacuum.stop
        entity_id: vacuum.runner
  - icon: mdi:home-map-marker
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: docked
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: returning
    tooltip: Return to base
      action: call-service
      service: vacuum.start
        entity_id: vacuum.runner
  - icon: mdi:target-variant
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: docked
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: error
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: cleaning
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        value_not: returning
    tooltip: Clean spot
      action: call-service
      service: vacuum.clean_spot
        entity_id: vacuum.runner
  - icon: mdi:map-marker
    tooltip: Locate
      action: call-service
      service: vacuum.locate
        entity_id: vacuum.runner
  - icon: mdi:fan-remove
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        attribute: fan_speed
        value: Silent
    tooltip: Change fan speed
      action: call-service
      service: vacuum.set_fan_speed
        entity_id: vacuum.runner
        fan_speed: Standard
  - icon: mdi:fan-speed-1
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        attribute: fan_speed
        value: Standard
    tooltip: Change fan speed
      action: call-service
      service: vacuum.set_fan_speed
        entity_id: vacuum.runner
        fan_speed: Medium
  - icon: mdi:fan-speed-2
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        attribute: fan_speed
        value: Medium
    tooltip: Change fan speed
      action: call-service
      service: vacuum.set_fan_speed
        entity_id: vacuum.runner
        fan_speed: Turbo
  - icon: mdi:fan-speed-3
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        attribute: fan_speed
        value: Turbo
    tooltip: Change fan speed
      action: call-service
      service: vacuum.set_fan_speed
        entity_id: vacuum.runner
        fan_speed: Silent
  - icon: mdi:fan-alert
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        attribute: fan_speed
        value_not: Silent
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        attribute: fan_speed
        value_not: Standard
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        attribute: fan_speed
        value_not: Medium
      - entity: vacuum.runner
        attribute: fan_speed
        value_not: Turbo
    tooltip: Change fan speed
      action: call-service
      service: vacuum.set_fan_speed
        entity_id: vacuum.runner
        fan_speed: Silent
  - template: vacuum_clean_segment
      service: script.vacuum_send_command
        command: app_segment_clean
        params: '[[selection]]'
        entity_id: '[[entity_id]]'
  - template: vacuum_clean_zone
      service: script.vacuum_send_command
        command: app_zoned_clean
        params: '[[selection]]'
        entity_id: '[[entity_id]]'
  - template: vacuum_clean_zone_predefined
      service: script.vacuum_send_command
        command: app_zoned_clean
        params: '[[selection]]'
        entity_id: '[[entity_id]]'
  - template: vacuum_goto
      service: script.vacuum_send_command
        command: app_goto_target
        params: '[[selection]]'
        entity_id: '[[entity_id]]'
  - template: vacuum_goto_predefined
      service: script.vacuum_send_command
        command: app_goto_target
        params: '[[selection]]'
        entity_id: '[[entity_id]]

I whant to sett up zone, and namn for livingroom, kitchne and so on. i was look at a youtube video, but it sems to been a old update. so that dident help.
Or are they any good video that will expalin it all, im pretty new to HA and this is my first thing from HACS
And allso when going to service and trying to start i wont start:/ but if i using the button on the card it will work fine.

THANKS for all the work

What vacuum do you have and which integration do you use to control it?

Thanks for the repy

xiaomi s7 roborock using auto-empty dock station, i have Xiaomi Miio installd

@Ildar_Gabdullin Maybe you have some network issues at HA startup? Itā€™s really hard to tell without direct access to your HA

@otto1 Create a new card and start from the beginning using this guide. Use ā€œdefaultā€ vacuum platform

Thanks a lot for the reply.
What I see is:

  1. There is a record in a Log ā€œ Unable to log in, check credentialsā€ on HA startup. It presents always and occurs only on startup.
  2. There are integrations needed access to Internet like openweathermap; sometimes there are errors in the Log like ā€œcannot update sensorsā€ - like integrations cannot get updated values in time; but mostly data are acquired.
  3. When I open a view with a camera for the Extractor, I usually see the map. In some (rare) cases I see a message like ā€œcannot retrieveā€ on the camera.
  4. When the vacuum (Roborock s5) is started, a current path is displayed on the map.
  5. I can open my mi account in a browser using login/password.

Could you help me, what else shall I check?
Mainly, that error message in the Log does not see seem to be a serious problem since things seem to work anyway.

Hi Tobias. Thanks for your work with Valetudo on the fork. I had a look but canā€™t see any update in the readme, so Iā€™m not sure if this is usable or different.

(For anyone to answer)
What Iā€™d like to do is simply get coordinates from my Valetudo map, so I can do zoned (not segment) cleaning.
I donā€™t really want to install lots of things to do this.
Is it possible to refer to Valetudo directly without having to specify token, login, usernameā€¦ since we can already connect to the robot directly and get map data from MQTT, no need for cloud?

I may be stupid, but i dot get it:( I have add
- calibration_points
- rooms
In my config, i open the card select default and then room config. but what to then? nothing i my code has been change, same code as before. or iam missing somthingā€¦sorry for not understanding:/

And a bonus question, i want to add some services i think, i what to see a entity when its going back to the dock when the cleaning is done,

You have to click ā€œgenerate rooms configā€ and not click ā€œgenerate static configā€. Have you done so?

Tiles should show current status of the vacuum, including ā€œreturning to the docking stationā€