@pplucky, Have you experienced that the Alarm goes from triggered back to armed_away after 5 minutes?
Currently when my alarm is triggered, the loop you created above triggers and it runs smoothly, but unfortunately only for 5 minutes and then the loop stops because the alarm is set to armed_away.
I just don’t have any clue why this happens.
EDIT: I finally read the text correctly in the alarm settings. There is a setting where you can see for how long the trigger state is before returning to its previous state.
Sorry for the bother.
One stupid question. By using the xiaomi gateway in the setup, then i guess it needs to be connected to the internet (and so to Chinesse servers)? Is there a, mean to avoid that? Maybe do a setup with sensors only and no xiaomi gateway?thanks!
You can. Use another gateway. The only question is what is the issue you’re trying to address? You think Chinese intelligence in interested in you bedroom temperature?