Xiaomi Gateway Integration

How did you open the enclosure? :slight_smile: Is there a trick to know?

Thanks men!

Still did not do anything, show fine on HA but did not active the alarm.

what i miss?

you sure the Switch is with capital S ?


- alias: Start alarm
    platform: event
    event_type: click
        entity_id: binary_sensor.Switch_158d00013f9734
        click_type: double
    service: light.toggle
    entity_id: light.gateway_light_286c07859fe7
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nooooooooo! ANy idea if someone is working on the square one? Anything I could do to help?

Round is the old, square is the new

nothing can be done untill Xiaomi updates their gateway firmware…

Just as well I only bought 1 as a test run. I also picked up the IR sender from Xiaomi.
Do you have any idea if there are similarly priced / specc’d temp sensors that are working in HA? The Broadlink looks like it has a better IR interface.

mine are all with lower capital


you may try with lower

brute force… the thing is held together with glue so just warm up the edges with a heat gun and pry it open with a thin screw driver. it is not a reversible process, you will destroy the casing.

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yes, i try with capital also with lower capital same issue.

i dont know what i miss, the button not working, i just want to active the alarm via HA :frowning:

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I’ve been using this for a while and now have a aqara wireless single smart switch. I’m using Daniels latest commit fro the first of July. The readme says it is supported and it shows up in home assistant as a binary_switch.wall_switch

Unfortunately the clicks don’t register. Any ideas? Tried searching in this thread but couldn’t find anything that might help.

Thanks in advance


Please post your complete automation. Also the part of the alarm.

i do not have any alarm yet, in order to start alarm on xiaomi i press on the button 2 time.
so this i want to do with HA.

This my automation.yaml

- alias: "Back door is open"
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d00010f9c1b
      state: '255'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d00010f9c1b
      state: 'on'
    service: notify.xiaomi
      message: "Back door open"
      target: "device/LGE Nexus 5X"

and like this for all my device with pushbullet?

And now i want to add the button to enable / disable the alarm.

- alias: Start alarm
    platform: event
    event_type: click
        entity_id: binary_sensor.Switch_158d00013f9734
        click_type: double
    service: light.toggle
    entity_id: light.gateway_light_286c07859fe7


In my case i have automation that when i press double click with smart switch, light of gateway torn off, maybe can help you. This is my code:

alias: Apaga Luz GW Xioami con Doble click
hide_entity: True
  platform: event
  event_type: click
      entity_id: binary_sensor.switch_158d000114xxxx
      click_type: double
  service: light.turn_off
  entity_id: light.gateway_light_f0b429bxxxxx


You mean this one?

If yes, please can you confirm if it works well with HA and @Danielhiversen code?


I haven’t try this guy… no idea if it will work or not. not the socket type here in Hong Kong… we use the British style ones.

@tommyc is using a decomposed xiaomi socket: http://www.gearbest.com/living-appliances/pp_344666.html

I’ve submitted a pull request. The fork supports the device soon: https://github.com/Danielhiversen/homeassistant/pull/18

If yes, please can you confirm if it works well with HA and @Danielhiversen code?

I’ve submitted a pull request. The fork supports the device soon: https://github.com/Danielhiversen/homeassistant/pull/18

Great and good news then! i’m waitting then because i’m interesting about this item!
