Xiaomi Gateway Integration

I have the same problem as Frank had:

This was the solution for Frank:

However, what should I do if my older Raspberry Pi does not have WiFi? Thanks in advance!

My pi is on LAN and gateway on Wifi and it works. By the way, can you try to configure the Interface option in configuration.yaml?

My Xiaomi kit arrived this week. My first attempt to set it up with the android app was a total disaster, but reset everything and the second time it went fine.

I couldn’t connect at all with hass unless I put my sid and key into hass config, even though I have one only gateway. Anyway, that wasn’t hard.

So sitting here and pushing the button, playing with the door sensor and turning a lamp on and off to impress the family, who just sigh and ask when it will be useful…

Good work rave and the other contributors. And I promise, I will make it useful.

But bear in mind this is a community that doesn’t generally lock it’s doors, why the hell I have door sensors is quite a debate!

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@BarryHampants - I can confirm its the TP link routers causing issues.

Dusted off my old linksys N router from the attic and got it working even after HASS restarts.


You will need to power cylce to get it working with each reboot or use another wifi router.

And Orvibo S20! Came close to ordering the Asus Router in the latest ebay 20% off but as usual the prices got jacked to compensate. I’ve decided given the frequency of power outages and the hassle of going around power cycling everything it’s worth spending the money to replace the tp-link.

Door is opened, it’s after dark and magically the lights come on!

You dont need to replace it… just bridge another wifi router just for the hub… thats what I did…

Im trying to reset all the S20’s now to see if the linksys will solve the problems with them too.

put it on Windows :stuck_out_tongue:

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Door sensors have a lot of value -

its a good security measure, if someone is opening my door when i’m know there something is wrong!

Keep tabs on the family make sure they get home and into the house safe.

The other thing is automations for air con, notifications for cooling the house down when its hotter inside that out etc.

Funny you should say that - changed some icons today in my customize file!

  friendly_name: "Front Door State"
  icon: mdi:windows
  friendly_name: "Front Door"
  icon: mdi:windows

Also did an automation for that today!

- alias: 'Front Door Opened'
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.opening_door
    tp: 'Open'
    condition: time
    after: '10:00:00'
    before: '19:30:00'
      - mon
      - tue
      - wed
      - thu
      - fri
      # - sat
      # - sun
    service: notify.sms_notify
      message: 'HASS: Front door has been opened. {{now().strftime("%d.%m.%Y-%H.%M")}}'

but how do you notify it?

27 degrees in the garage in February, nice, where do you live?

That was at 9pm - it’s currently the coolest room in the house, nearly midnight here and it’s 30°C in my bedroom, wishing I had airconditioning so I could sleep. I’m near Sydney in Australia.

It got up to 44°C, or 112°F in Sydney’s outer suburbs today.


I’m trying to make an automation, to change color of the xiaomi gateway once i make a single switch with the boton, but only works to switch on with white color. If i try to do it with other color like blue doesn’t work.

Can someone help me how to do it?

This is the code that doesn’t work

alias: Luz GW Xiaomi Azul
hide_entity: False
initial_state: 'off'
  platform: event
  event_type: click
      entity_id:  binary_sensor.switch_158d000xxxxxxx
      click_type: single
  - service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: light.gateway_light_f0b429xxxxxx
      rgb_color: 4,26,255
      brightness: 255

An this one works:

alias: Luz GW Xiaomi Blanco
hide_entity: False
initial_state: on
  platform: event
  event_type: click
      entity_id:  binary_sensor.switch_158d000xxxxxxx
      click_type: single
  - service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: light.gateway_light_f0b429xxxxxx

Got a small issue with component. When I turn on hub light via xiaomi app HA syncs state. But when I turn off it via app HA do not sync state.

when will be implanted to the official components?

Hi all,

I had the Xiaomi gateway implemented in my house sometime ago with the this code. Working great. I am just curious if the component will go away if i update the HA to 0.38?

All working fine for me.

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what is the sid? mac add?? i can’t on the development mode?how?

Thanks Rave, that was good to know, I started over again, Turned out to be a network problem with the Xiaomi gateway.