Xiaomi Gateway Integration

WiFi, not reliable
433 not reliable
Zigbee not enough devices

I thought zwave was the answer …

Maybe because I have a pretty small home (3 floor terraced) but I find that I get good results from all my xiaomi devices so far (4 switches, 3 temp, 2 motion and a single door sensor). Also have some orvibo s20 that work flawlessly.
Guess I lucked out.

Perhaps a useful note for others. (dunno if anybody else already mentioned it)
I’ve tried getting the Xiaomi Hub to work with a wireless connected RPi, but I kept getting dropped multicast packages, which is quite annoying for the door/window sensors and the motion detection sensors.
It turns out that sending multicast from a wireless device works perfectly, because Wifi basically turns it into unicast, but receiving multicast on a wireless device very easily gets packetloss.
Now that I’ve made the connection of my RPi wired I see no more packet loss.
(This snag cost me about a week of troubleshooting, so I hope others can benefit from it).

Of course not! But with both active it is what I am seeing in my setup. I am moving to something other than a Pi soon so haven’t been too focused on fine tuning anything - just keeping things running. My sensors are the older gen 5 ones that many here have reported issues with. Also - the majority are battery powered due to location. Don’t get me wrong, they work and I will more than likely keep them but with the Xiaomi sensors I can afford to have 8 of them for the same price as a single z-wave. Australian Z-Wave frequency means limited supply and much higher cost. If I had my own house I would be prepared to invest in more permanent solutions. I’d say it’s still worth pursuing but start small and do some testing before committing to fitting out the entire house.

In the last upgrade to 0.41 I lost all z-wave and when I finally got them back the entity name of every single device had changed. Each multi sensor has I think 7 entities so it’s a lot of fixing. Sometimes I think if I didn’t have problems to solve and everything worked smoothly I’d lose interest.

My problem is the router - the s20s work great until the router gets power cycled. Then the router still sees them but pretends to all other devices that they have dropped off the network. It seems to be a TP-Link flaw that affects many devices, not just the s20s.

Xiaomi work great for me and like @JDierkse, my pi is connected by ethernet.

I understand.

But I also start to lose interest since too many things to fix :stuck_out_tongue:

For people having issues with lost connectivity and no response on sensors/switches, check this: https://support.metageek.com/hc/en-us/articles/203845040-ZigBee-and-WiFi-Coexistence

I think thats also part of the cause of ghost events. Since moving my wifi APs to channel 13 and channel 9, I stoped having ghost events (a week ago).

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I mentioned earlier in this thread. I highly recommend Ubiquiti UniFi APs. I have a single AC LR ap and it covers all my home and garden.

Problem lies with the device. Xiaomi is by far the most responsive motion sensor. I read this comment a lot in the Smartthings community.

No wonder i haven’t had any issues with my setup. Wired from the beginning

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seem like the more sensor i have the more lag for the sensor to activate in HA.

So seems the Xiaomi to be the best system?

Wish they come out with a switch device to be installed in regular switches (like Fibaro and Aeon).

Would it be possible to tamper the Aqara and get only the logic, and put it in regular switches?

Are the Aqara switches responsive?

P. S. Reason are
My current switches have different sizes then Aqara, using the latter will require a lot of work
Plus some switches are 3

I have 2 gateway.

One connects 100% of the time to Hass.

The other fails most of the time (same model).

What can I do? Daniel wrote something about it, but can’t find the post

Keep in mind that this is a serious FIRE, ELECTRECUTIONS and what-not hazard! These devices are not meant, or tested, to be disassembled and put behind sockets! I would never experiment in such a way putting my own, my family’s and my guests’ life in danger!

Any one know if HA can send Notifications? like if motion sensor find movement?


yes. it can.

I use pushbullet. Works great.

Thanks, i will look in to it.

OK i add it, how do i say to HA to send me push to my mobile?


  • name: xiaomi
    platform: pushbullet
    api_key: o.WOtxxxxxx

Can you tell me what is the code i need to use in order to use pushbullet with Xiaomi?

you should post in the sonoff thread too :smiley:

Add Pushbullet app on your phone.

Thanks HIJINX,

But this will not work without the code for it,

For any one that need or want this is the code to get notify

alias: “someone is in the house”

platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d00013e7a62
state: '255'
platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d00013e7a62
state: 'on'
service: notify.my_pushbullet
message: "someone is in the house"
target: "device/LGE Nexus 5X"

Was just about to paste you these, which have examples: