I took your advice, logged out of the app, verified my locale is set to Mainland China. Logged back in. Regeneraged key. Didn’t help.
Removed the gateway from my list of devices and added it again, Enabled LAN protocol, regenerated key. Didn’t help.
I’m afraid this problem persists. I do appreciate your willingness to assist though.
Just tried your suggestions and alas, no help.
Out of curiosity, I installed Domoticz which also claims to support the Xiaomi gateway. Added the GW there and it’s detected just like in HA, but I can’t control the light. Reason: " Error: XiaomiGateway: unable to write command - Invalid Key"
I’m thinking that there has to be something wrong with the gateway itself. Has anyone else got the latest 1.4.1_145 FW working? Any sightings of changelogs or updated protocol documentation? Does anybody else even have a v3 gateway?
Well now, your gateway is pretty much identical to mine, aside from the ID number of course.
I did follow all the instructions down to step 8, after which starts the raspberry pi related stuff. In my screenshot you can see that the lan protocol mode is active.
Now I’m starting to get thoroughly puzzled, because I can’t think of anything that would be different. I appreciate your assistance a lot!