Xiaomi IR remote :another way to get access token and raw ir code

I already have the Sonoff RF Bridge. Let me think about it.

Here is my YAML file, just adjust your logins etc as needed. Just basic to demonstrate all GPIOs working.
If you test the webserver trigger “LG TV Power On” you should see the same IR code received.

Board runs hot, is that normal? Or am I missing turning a certain GPIO off? Doesn’t run hot when in bootloader mode.

If you are using only IR not. When using BLE i have found that esp32 can turn a little bit hot.

IR Emitter should have been inverted, that was causing the heat from the LED constant current circuit being on 100% when not being used.

But now the IR code emitted is incorrect. Will try to find a way to set the idle state

Am I missing something with this GPIO13?

Did you tried with gpio26 instead as suggested by @C_M ?

Yeah, just wanted to know if you found something different with GPIO13 like it’s an enable line or something similar.

What is the status of the project? Can the device be flashed? Is it usable?

Not for the IR emitter side yet. I’ve raised a feature request, but might raise an issue request too. Not abandoning it because the emitter is very high power and more useful than the cheaper alternatives on the market.

if you use rmt (https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/blob/release/v3.3/examples/peripherals/rmt_nec_tx_rx/main/infrared_nec_main.c) you just have to invert “nec_fill_item_level” and “nec_tx_init”.

item->level0 = 0;
item->level1 = 1;

rmt_tx.tx_config.carrier_level = 0;
rmt_tx.tx_config.idle_level = 1;

Hallo can you help me a flashing? I am New

can we flash this or the ESPeasy on it?

What is the status of the project?

in time, Good job! :+1:

i have problem with this project.
After transmit any command ESP constantly restarts
I created a issue for esphome support

Hello. I have another problem with Mi IR remote on ESPHome. Do you have Solution?

@DoubleAught you solved problem with overheat?

I shelved the project when I moved house late last year, haven’t had a chance to look into it further, sorry. It’s on an ever growing list…

m4tto on github was made pull requset for your project. He fix this trouble. I used his fork and it works