Xiaomi Mi Plants Monitor Flower

Try …
sudo apt-get install pi-bluetooth


But if i try to continue with sudo hciconfig hci0 up i still receive error: “Can’t get device info: No such device”.

Check your file sudo nano /boot/config.txt for an entry like

and make sure this line is commented out by adding a # at the beginning of the line. Its usually at the bottom of the file.

I found this entry commented:

Uncomment this to enable the lirc-rpi module

OK, that about exhausted my knowledge of BT on the pi, I would probably reinstall at this point :frowning:

And mine is no better the plant monitors all return 0 :frowning:

My git’s read me specifies how I did to get it working. If you’re reinstalling it might be worth a look:

Thanks, I’ll give it a look :slight_smile:


To use the xiaomi plant with HA, is needed a bluetooth connection? There is no other option?


You do need a BLE connection, there is no other option as far as I know as they are BLE devices.

I’ll give it a look to. TY

ok. I’ll try to reinstall it. TY for your support :slight_smile:

Ok. Now it seems work.

Below what I’ve done as root:

apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade
apt-get -y install build-essential checkinstall cython3 git htop libgcrypt11-dev libgnutls28-dev libudev-dev libyaml-dev python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-sphinx vim python3-venv nmap
apt-get install --upgrade pi-bluetooth
apt-get install --upgrade bluez
apt-get install --upgrade bluez-firmware
apt-get install bluetooth bluez blueman

sudo bluetoothctl

in the [bluetooth]
agent on

For those of you wanting to use this sensor under Windows look at the following thread Running Home Assistant on windows

I just received my flower sensor! Is there an updated working step-by-step guide that anyone can share or link to? Is the first post in the thread working?


What platform are you running on? Linux?

Ohh, forgot to write that… i’m running The latest version of Hassbian on a Raspberry Pi

ThIs is all you need: https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor.miflora/

From yesterda, without any action, mi flora started working again!

Mine to, very strange :smiley: but welcome back, I have no clue why they suddenly started working again.

It’s magically magic! :joy: