Xiaomi MIjia YEELOCK integration

Any chance you can dump the apk file and upload it somewhere? :slight_smile:

If you have adb it should be as easy as:
adb pull /data/app/com.yeeloc.yisuobao.apk ./

Sure it is here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-2OBVmvykCgjlrFrbFHPpaGfu-gtsQ3M
Found it on a different location (/data/app/com.yeeloc.yisuobao-1F6mYwf8FmgTLMaPUyLrDA==/base.apk)

It seems to have been deleted, any chance you can try uploading it again? :slight_smile: Maybe somewhere that is not Google Drive if possible?

Also what else is in that folder? (/data/app/com.yeeloc.yisuobao-1F6mYwf8FmgTLMaPUyLrDA==)

Any progress? It looks like a fun lock, would love to use with HA.

I also am looking forward to this integration. :slightly_smiling_face:

I can verify that this is the case for me too. I tried perhaps 10 times, in order to see if this was just a temporary thing using buffered unlock codes, but it always worked. This was done in the span of two minutes though, so maybe there is a time out limit I’m not aware of.

Yeelock have finally updated this app. Battery percentage on the lock is now working and for some reason it now requests location access.

“for some reasons” I wonder what it could be :slight_smile:

But what about HomeAssistant? Btw do you know any other drawer lock that works with home assistant?

So I guess no luck from the advanced users/integrators? :slight_smile:

I’m keen on this integration also! Would be awesome having these locks integrated with home assistant!

Is there any new update? I expect something good.

Hi @cnrd @tom-x1,

The apk is proguard obfuscated.
However I found this link https://api.yeeloc.com/open-apidoc/ where the api is documented.
Also when I login in https://web.yeeloc.com/developer/index I could sign up in a developer section (still pending approval) which gave me access to SDK files: https://pan.yeeloc.com/s/fn5i3RwzCRGzRWd
Looks quite interesting.


Indeed. Good find. It’s all a bit over my head but it seems to me like there is a time limit when you request a temporary password, which would explain why it still worked when you use flight mode.

so any luck with this? what does developer section mean? SDK files can help us to have it working?

I just took a look but got no result. Have you been able to unlock using this API?

Was thinking maybe we can use monkeyrunner https://developer.android.com/studio/test/monkeyrunner/MonkeyDevice and just use send commands directly to the app to lock and unlock

Any updates?

version 2.6.3 from the app store contains a share key by link option.
This generates the following:

The link (that I was not able to share) contains:
sn= the SN that is written below the QR code/
t= time as expalined by cnrd (post 6) and github.
I was not able to decode the rest.

This web page help you simulate the full communication with their server:


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Qu’en est il de l’intégration?

J’en ai 2 qui attendent dans le placard! :wink: