Xiaomi sensors (door, motion, button) very unreliable

I recently got the xiaomi gateway and a bunch of sensors. I find they’ve been randomly dropping on and offline (indicated as “unavailable” in Home Assistant). Does anyone have any suggestions? Is it an issue with the sensors, or an issue with the gateway, or the HA integration?

I am going to take a guess that is probably a connectivity issue. I have one hub, 4 door/window sensors, and 1 motion sensor, and they all seem to work all ok.

I would suggest looking at your wifi setup, check the hub has a strong signal on it, and see if you can change around channels maybe to reduce interference from other devices. I found when I moved the channel for my Hue Hub, and my wifi channel, everything seemed to clear up a little bit.

I’ve the door sensors motion etc. and have no problems with them.

In my case I’ve the hub sitting at the top of a cabinet about 2 metres off the floor, and the hub is right beside the router.

I would recommend getting the hub up off the ground, though I’m not sure it needs to be so close to the router.

The HA integration part is hassle free to me, so I’d try moving the hub around before checking if HA is causing any issues.

As other have suggested above this is most likely due to connectivity whether it be from hub to Wi-Fi or Hub to sensor. I would check your router to ensure your wifi rx signal is less then -70 and the location of the hub is atleast around 1m from the ground. Distance for sensors from the hub shouldn’t really be more then 10m zigbee limitations and probably wil be reduced with internal walls etc.

Also, check to see if WIFI and Zigbee channels are overlapping.

Please see this post, for additional info.

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