Xiaomi Smart Home Integration : MiiO

Hi guys. I have a few Mi Home products that is not the gateway and would wish to integrate.

I’ve found that some people have already reversed engineered the API : https://github.com/aholstenson/miio

Wondering, is there a way we can integrate it with HA?

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Try this. This is only for the vacuum cleaner robot.

Yeah I did.

But it seems that putting Switch>Xiaomi under custom_component breaks my current Xiaomi Gateway integration that is under component.

Or am i doing it wrong? Because both custom_component and component switch is named xiaomi.py. Is it conflicting with each other? Thanks for the response tho.

Think you can name the switch to xiaomiSwitch.py and give it a go. I have the switch under mirobo component and the rest of them under Xiaomi component.

I have it like this and both works fine. Hope it helps!

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