Xiaomi smart home

well - the more people we get on board and using it, the more it will be supported :smiley:

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Have anyone tried with the cube sensor?

I’ve got one on the way, I’ll let you know when it arrives.

I mean motion, I’ve got something working in draft to catch data from the gateway for the magnet and motion sensor.
Hope to share it this friday even if it is not clean.

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that’ll be awesome. the script doesn’t have error catching so tends to fall over when the network drops, or other issues occur. Cheers @fooxy. I wish i could help, but python is not my strong suit.

The password you get during set up of the dev mode. Where should that be used?

I used the @jon1012 code as example to catch data.
But right now, each entity sensor polls the object responsible to read packets.
It should be possible to send back the state to the entity only when it changes.

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I have the cube sensor but I don’t get any data in the multicast group when using it. All my other sensors and switches works fine.

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I have found the same thing. Using @jon102 's script, I watched the traffic from my gateway, from interacting with my wireless button, and from using the cube. The gateway consistently pings the network, but not with any data that looks useful. The button registers clicks, double clicks, long press, and long press release. The cube did not show up in the feed no matter what the interaction.

The button is pretty handy, and I will probably integrate that into my HA set-up using the MQTT service, but it’s the cube that I was most looking forward to, so hopefully someone will find a way to capture that data. If not, I don’t know if it’s worth keeping the hub on-line just for the button, although, for the price, some of the other sensors would be worth trying out.

Hi to every one,

Today i received my xiaomi smart home kit. After updating the firmware till 1.4.1 on the gateway and after testing all devices with the xiaomi app. Now i want to enable the local communication on the gateway, but in ios app i don’t see this option.

can someone explain in details how to do it?


Tried this; https://goo.gl/gEVIrn ?

Hi thanks for reply.

i tried this, but when i enter in about option, just i see three options only:

  • Manual
  • Smart Home Kit Forum
  • Tutorial

i don’t see the “version”

It can’t be done using the iOS app, The option is only available on Android version.


At the end i did it. I installed a android emulator into my pc, and installed xiaomi smart home app and then all worked well.

thanks to everyone

Continuous click blank 5 times or more:grinning:

Hi guys,

Confirm that in iOS also works. As DenneyTang says, if you click many times in white zone in “About” menu, appears new option on menu.

thanks to everyone

Just so I’m clear: if I want to integrate any of the Xiaomi Smart Home devices with my HA setup, I’m going to need the Smart Home hub as well?

That means the temperature sensor, the motion detector and the switch/button thing won’t work without it?

@LeeJS Yes you’ll need the hub.

Some updates for the integration in HA.
I used piece of code from @jon1012 to listen data pushed by the gateway.
I still need to review the code to manage in a separate thread the continuous listening.


where is the “donate a beer” button?


A lot of RF sensors seem to work like that in order to conserve battery. The logic is, if it’s triggered the burglar has been caught, so sleep for 1 minute then come alive again, if the burglar is still moving trigger again and go to sleep. I bought some cheap sensors here in Australia (at a company going broke) of a good brand and they are even worse. If they trigger twice under a minute they go to sleep for 5 minutes. They unfortunately are useless for presence sensing in a room. Basically in a room with a lot of movement, they trigger when you DON"T need it for Home Autumation. For a Burglar Alarm they work perfectly though.