Sorry for ignorance of the language, and the use of translater.
Recently I moved from the domoticz to HA and ran into a problem - I have switches from Xiaomi (and gateway, of course):
Smart Wireless Switch and aqara wireless wall switch (2 Key).
And the problem is next HA they see them, but do not see their status change. Exactly See only a long press, and displays it as “hold”. Logbook also does not display any changes to these sensors.
What am I doing wrong?
Hi @Ivan711,
I have the first generation of the smart wireless switch and the Xiaomi Cube, they both show on HA as binary_sensors and not as actual switches.
I don’t know about they’re status on logbook, but in order to have them control anything from HA I need to have a automation.
alias: Xiaomi Switch 1click
platform: event
event_type: click
entity_id: binary_sensor.switch_158d000149b40b
click_type: single ## it can be: 'single', 'double' or 'hold'
service: light.toggle
entity_id: light.master_bedroom_light
Hi, is it possible to have the click_type “long_press_click” in general or not ? because it seems that every click type is the same type of click…
one click : lights off (works !)
long click: lights on (works) but then they go off imediately (should stay on)
any idea ?
Sorry for drifting the thread,
But do you also have to press the switch a full second to get the click registered?
I’ve got the round press button by Xiaomi, I guess that you’ve got the same?
I also have two of them and “hold” must be “long_click_press”.
platform: event
event_type: click
entity_id: binary_sensor.switch_xxxxxxxxxxxx
click_type: long_click_press