Xiaomi Vacuum cleaner Card

Just a screenshot :wink:

LOL, I fell like… Well yeah!

Hmm, I started to use HACS and it seems that all my custom card seems to work except the ones where I use ‘custom:card-modder’.

I removed the “old”, found the one available within HACS and now I can’t get my lovelace card to work.
I use it for this Vacum Cleaner Card. Anyone else experience this?




Hi All,

I created this swipe card to switch between the simple vacuum card and the map card. This helps to keep my ui nice and tidy, and thought it may be of use to some of you:

  - background: img/vacuum.png
    buttons: true
    entity: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner
    name: Veronica
    type: 'custom:xiaomi-vacuum-card'
  - base_position:
      x: 1889
      'y': 1600
    entity: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum
    map_image: /local/icons/floorplan.jpg
      x: 1625
      'y': 1336
    type: 'custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card'
      - - - 25500
          - 25500
          - 26500
          - 26500
      - - - 24215
          - 28125
          - 29465
          - 32175
id: 7a0fe21111bd440b987005a0d35dd340
    draggable: true
    hide: false
    snapOnRelease: true
  spaceBetween: 8
type: 'custom:swipe-card'

Hi are you able to share your flow please thanks appreciated thanks again

Can you draw zones normally with the swipe-card? I found that the only way to draw zones with the swipe card is to start vertically and even then it would occasionally try to swipe to another page.

It is completely off-topic though. But your answer is: card-modder is deprecated, if you really want to use card-modder with HACS you will have to either import this into HACS (read their docs on how to do this) or manually install it.

I would suggest moving over to card-mod though as it removes the need for a special card (in this case card-modder) and css can just be applied to any lovelace card.

An example of that config would look like this:

- type: entity-button
  style: |
    ha-card {
      border-radius: 10px;
      background: blue;
      color: white;
      opacity: 0.8;
  entity: light.yourentityhere

This style config can be applied to any lovelace card. For more examples visit my repo https://github.com/jimz011/homeassistant

I am sure that you can modify the card not to swipe and use a chevron instead? I am not sure,…Come to think about it, drawing zones is not something that you would do often, so possibly use the card in default mode to do the zones and then move to swipe once complete?

How did you manage to get the base posistion and reference point? I managed to get the Coordinates of the zones. But If i choose the go to dropdown It wont go to the right position.

I can’t help you here I am afraid. I dont use those functions…

Got it to work had app go to instead of zone cleaning.

Anyone got a good working template for push messages when maintenance is needed?

can you share your config?


I would but I dont use it anymore since my vacuum stopped showing up in home assistant :frowning:


i really love macbury’s vacuum card, but i wasn’t able to configure it (i’m a really a noob)

i have a Hassio on Rpi, vacuum controll OK, i rooted my vacuum + Valetudo fot the map

i added the card.js in www/custom-lovelace/vacuum/
and the resources:

  - type: module
    url: /local/custom-lovelace/vacuum/card.js

but i get this when i add the card :

Custom element doesn't exist: vacuum-card.

  "entity": "vacuum.apifion",
  "type": "custom:vacuum-card"

did i miss something ? has anyone tried to add this card ? please help ^^

do you mind post the code again please? the link does not work anymore :frowning:

Hello. Config is missing

@gurbina, should your settings work with valetudoed roborock?
I configured with your settings, thanks for those.
but nothing works when commanding vacuum, it does show docked or battery status, everything from sensor.
edit: found problem, couple misspels.

Never mind… found the typo