Vacuum Interactive Map Card

There is possible to delete this area on map ?

No, it’s not possible, but you can change fill color for this area to transparent, you will end up with something like this:

You can also trim the map to make it look like this:

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So since my last reboot of HA i’m having this 2FA issue again. The card shows:
(It’s hard to read, but it says “Two Factor auth required (see logs)”

In the logs it shows:

If I use the link in the logs (only valid for about 1 minute) I get prompted for 2FA. However, after filling that in and the site showing “ok” the card and the logs still show the error. Reloading the integration results in the same error on the card and in the logs, also generating a new 2FA link.

The previous time I had this issue, it was solved by installing another Xiaomi integration through HACS, that used the same token. However, that doesn’t work this time.

I have rebooted several times, did the 2FA link several times. It just doesn’t work.

Any ideas?

This is not a correct thread for this problem, this one is.

Check out these issues: #157, #180

Oh sorry. I thought because someone else mentioned this issue in here, I could too. But I will check out the issues!

@3_14 Hello, Piotr! Could you clarify about Roborock S5/S50 - is it gen1 or a newer one?
My doubts are regarding “saving map” feature: it is turned ON in Mi Home but I have to perform a zone cleaning otherwise a map is shifted every time with respect to my floorplan.

Gen1 has problems with map saving, I have S55 (pic attached)

Is S55 of Gen2 or smith?

As far as I remember it was a second vacuum by Xiaomi, first one with Roborock brand

I think it is mentioned before but I do need to read 822 messages to find.
How can i find coordinates for zone cleaning?

You have to add debug: true in card’s config, draw zone on the card and click start. Zone parameters will be presented in a pop-up (instead of starting a vacuum)

Hi, I have a first generation Xiaomi Vaccum.

I just configured all the Map with the map cloud extractor.

On the configuration.yaml I have the following configuration:


  • platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
    token: token
    username: username
    password: password
    draw: [‘all’]
    • calibration_points

And the following on the following on the card:

type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
entity: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner
camera_calibration: true
map_camera: camera.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
debug: false

With this configuration all working fine but I have one problem there, every time I press cleaning (whole house), map gets deleted and vacuum starts to create new map, then sometimes calibration points change and all the zones are wrong.

It could be possible to fix this situation?

Hi! It’s not possible to fully avoid map regeneration, but it can be mostly prevented by not using full cleaning, but only zoned cleanup.

New version released!


hey, did the upgrade to 2.0.1 , had a look at migration wizard, but still getting :

what stupid issue am i missing? i dont se map_image or map_camera in your new example config in the migration wizard?


          - type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
            entity: vacuum.roborock
              camera: camera.roborock
              camera: true
              - template: vacuum_clean_zone  
            # OLD  
            # map_camera: camera.roborock
            # default_mode: zoned_cleanup
            # camera_calibration: true

EDIT: seems a cache issue, but now get this :slight_smile: , but the example code looks correct?


EDIT: nm , another hard refresh did it

thnx, looking good now!!

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Just started looking at the 2.0 - great job, Piotr!

Got a question about additional_presets option.
According to the docs, it is a list, i.e:

          - preset_name: Xiaomi Roborock S50
            entity: vacuum.xiaomi_roborock_s50
          - preset_name: Xiaomi Roborock S7
            entity: vacuum.xiaomi_roborock_s7

But the migration example includes options w/o that additional_presets option.
Also, using the additional_presets with just one entry (for one vacuum) causes not displaying the card.

You can check out demo_config.yaml from the repo, it contains example with additional_presets.

If the card is not displayed it means that something is messed up, can you check if there is something in browser’s console?

I think I misunderstood the 3rd row:
I only specified additional_presets w/o the “root” preset.

Could you explain a meaning of the “preset” feature?
What I see here: you can specify 3 presets for 3 different vacuums - but in this case there must be a “main switch” to select a preset.

Also, adding a static image (like a floorplan) is in future?

Preset is a set of configs for map, icons and tiles. Each of them can have a different (or the same) map and/or vacuum.

Following example contains 3 presets:

  • blue: main one
  • green: first additional preset (with live map camera)
  • red: second additional preset (with static map image)

Here you can see switching between presets (at 1:01)


Hi Piotr,

I have tried your updated version of Xiaomi Vacuum Interactive Map Card, where I predefined zones with labels (text and icons).
Everything works fine on PC screen, but when I try to select zones in iOS app on iPhone, it is somehow corrupted (I am not able to select nothing, every icons are scattered).
How to solve this problem ?

Best regards