
Iam trying to configure the xiaomi vacuum viomi SE but i cannot get it:

i have the following error:

  • Got exception while fetching the state: No response from the device

  • Got error when receiving: timed out
    Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/miio/miioprotocol.py:217

In my configuration.yaml:


  • platform: miio2
    token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I do not know how to get it working.

I have the same issue with a Viomi SE. Tried this https://github.com/nqkdev/home-assistant-vacuum-styj02ym and this https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/xiaomi_miio/#xiaomi-mi-robot-vacuum

Doesn’t seem to work :frowning:

I have had Viomi SE since Christmas and with the little information available on the internet I managed, with some changes to make the component “home-assistant-vacuum-styj02ym” compatible with my Viome SE, I am not a python specialist, besides I never wrote python so far. I am still investigating some values for the integration, but so far it works relatively well allowing integration on Google Home

@marotoweb, would you be willing to share this? I’d love to see at least a somewhat proper integration for my Viomi SE.

Otherwise, I’ve spent some time playing with miiocli and got some basic things working (start, stop, pause, return home) using shell commands + scripts. I’m not much of coder so I went this way.

Since I use hass.io I first had to set up private key SSH login and run the command through SSH. This post should help with the config.

In configuration.yaml add as a shell command:

viomi_return_home: "ssh -F /config/ssh_config -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa -p <ssh_port> root@<ha_lan_ip> '/usr/bin/miiocli viomivacuum --ip <viomi_ip> --token <viomi_token> home'"

Replace home with start, stop, pause and add as new shell commands.

And then create a script calling the service


I’m sorry I didn’t give you more information, but when I made the post I didn’t have anything published yet. Now it’s official, you can add my repository on HACS or install it manually

Thank you very much for sharing this.
I didn’t yet find the time to really put this integration through its paces but at least the basics seem to work. There was an issue that stopped the bot a few seconds after it started mopping (even when started through the app) but I see that you since fixed that and the issue is gone.
I’ll try to post some details here after I get the chance to play with the services for cleaning specific rooms, zones etc…

I have Viomi S9 and “Viomise” is not working for it.
How do I customise it to work with S9? How do I test commands etc?
Get this error in the logs:

 File "/config/custom_components/viomise/vacuum.py", line 457, in update
KeyError: 'value'

@fokcuk Have you managed to get the viomi s9 into HA?

Long time ago

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Hi guys,

I installed the component using HACS, did the configuration with no errors.
I have a Viomi S9 vacuum.
How can I test the commands?

From my services, I can find the vacuum with all the commands but if I try to choose an entity or device, or area I can’t find any, and I can’t do the call.

Can you please help me?

Thank you,

I got a Viomi s9 as a gift and manage to get it integrated into HA using the Xiomi Miot Auto Integration and the HACS Map from Piotr Machowski. What I find difficult to get work is the MAP function of Piotr Machowski. I have try many potential solution from a Google search but this part having a HA Interactive Vacuum Map to work is still a challenge. Did you find a solution somewhere?