Yamaha receiver volume control - adjust volume above 0dB!

Yamaha receivers (and probably others these days) don’t use 1-10 or 1-100 for volume. Instead, they use a range displayed in dB (max depends on the receiver and the zone) that can be a positive or negative value.

The media_player integration is able to interface with them, and control things like power, source, and volume - sort of. The max value for the media_player integration for volume is 1. This works fine if the scale is 1-10 or 1-100, just do whatever math is necessary. However, for the Yamaha receivers, this max value equates to 0.0dB - which means you can never adjust the volume to the “positive” side of the equation. On my RX-V681, for example, the main zone goes to +16.5dB. Since dB is logarithmic, that’s a pretty considerable amount of volume left on the table. I don’t often use settings that high, but it annoyed me that it wasn’t possible. So, I set about to make it possible. The results are below.

First, create a file in /config/scripts called yamahavolume.sh. Paste this code into it:

curl_cmd="curl --silent --output /dev/null"

volume() {

    ${curl_cmd} http://${1}/YamahaRemoteControl/ctrl --data-binary "'<YAMAHA_AV cmd=\"PUT\"><${2}><Volume><Lvl><Val>${3}</Val><Exp>1</Exp><Unit>dB</Unit></Lvl></Volume></${2}></YAMAHA_AV>'"



Then, add the following lines to your configuration.yaml:

    yamaha_vol: /bin/bash /config/scripts/yamahavolume.sh volume {{ ip }} {{ zone }} {{ vol }}

You’ll also need to define an input slider in your configuration.yaml: (note that the max should be adjusted to match the zone. On my RX-V681, Main_Zone has a max of +16.5, while Zone_2 has a max of +10)

    icon: mdi:volume-medium
    name: Volume
    initial: -35
    min: -80
    max: 16.5
    step: 1
    mode: slider

Then, in your automations.yaml: (make sure the “- id” is unique, and enter the IP for your receiver. possible zones values are Main_Zone or Zone_2)

- id: '1111111111112'
  alias: Main Volume Set
  description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_number.main_volume
  condition: []
  - service: shell_command.yamaha_vol
      zone: Main_Zone
      vol: '{{ (trigger.to_state.state) | int * 10 }}

  mode: single

Then simply add a custom:slider-entity-row (from HACS) to an entities card in your front end and bob’s your uncle!

- type: entities
    - type: section
      label: Volume dB
    - type: custom:slider-entity-row
      entity: input_number.main_volume
      full_row: true

This has been confirmed to work with my RX-V681 which is OLD, and also with my TSR-700, which is the Costco version of the RX-V6A, and is less than a year old. I suspect it will also work with anything in between there, but have no way of verifying.

You’re the best! Thanks a lot :pray:t2:

Only thing to notice is that you need HACS installed and slider-entity-row add-on.

Thank you, I’m glad it worked for you. :slight_smile:

Good catch about the HACS slider add-on. I’ll update the main post.

Great! Do you also know how i can let de slider update continuously? So if i turn on the volume button on the receiver the slider will move to the current position?

That’s not possible in real-time since the receiver doesn’t do push notifications; you would have to query it repeatedly. Since my receivers are used for whole home audio, they are down in the basement, and controlled only via HA, I’ve never had to worry about things like that.

However, the next thing I am doing is writing an interface to let you type in the radio station you want, instead of being restricted to presets. I already have cards made with hot buttons to change inputs (I use chromecasts with plex, tuner, and a party mode that syncs all receivers to the same source for when we have parties). Hopefully I’ll get it all sorted and programmed within the next couple days and get it up this weekend.

I got the other stuff posted. Take a look: Yamaha receiver - a better media player interface!

Late response, but i’ll definitely take a look. Thanks!