Year of the Voice - Chapter 1: Assist

works great, though I can’t seems to get the mic working in either firefox or edge, is it me, or is not not suppose to yet ?

It seems like most browsers have effectively blocked microphone access over plain HTTP. It sometimes works on localhost, but there are all sorts of hoops to jump through. It may be broken for a while :frowning:

yeah i also figured this was the culprit , that is so weird a decision for the “browser” makers, should be a simple “will you allow, even thou it’s over http” this restriction to “Force Https” , if the url is http, is absurd
PS: it’s not only microphone … , it’s even camera, location and notification it seems

EDIT: Yo might need to “include” this “option” in the Cookie (Allow microphone / or ask for permission, when clicking the Mic, and store in the Cookie)

nice request! We can definitely look into this! Feel free to submit a feature request in the meantime :slight_smile:

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Wow, great work all, super excited to start playing with this. :clap:t2:

We have google hubs in almost every room and not a day goes past when at some point in the day I want to collect them all up and set fire to them.

Looking forward to watching this develop.

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I “fixed it” in Edge, on 1 of my Laptops

PS: I didn’t ask Chat GPT :wink: :laughing:

Im not sure whether it’s just “rude” , or im mumbling , but in fact even thou it (ET) didn’t quite get it, it did turn of the light ,… so is that cause to quick-machine-learning, or a bug ? … i mean if it unsure it could have asked me, right ? … Not like google ! who just plays something weird from Youtube, thou you asked for local source on VLC


It’s very interesting, however, I don’t understand yet the difference between HA Assist and Rhasspy? Maybe they are complementary?

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@synesthesiam Hey , i’ve tried to get the speech working in firefox, thou in my end it seems like the ha-voice-dialog never make it out of the header-bar, and no “mic” icon , in the pop-up, only a icon for publishing txt message … dunno if it suppose to be so, as i never figured out the function when paulus talked to his awful “cube” (in your U-tube video) … is/was that just “attached” as a Mic-device in/to his HA-Device ? ( and by that “bypassed” the stupid Browsers ? )

I’m glad I bet on Home Assistant. A phenomenal transatlantic sailing in the right direction.

I have 12 speakers from the Google stable at home. In January 2019, Google Assistant was to be made available in Polish. The paradox is that the speakers had the Google Assistant for several months, which spoke in Polish. Just like on smartphones. After these few months, it turned out that the Polish language disappeared from the speakers…

I am currently very excited about the announcements from the team from Home Assistant and NabuCasa. I keep my fingers crossed and step by step I intend to follow this trail with you.

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of course. Picard is god.

Rhasspy has a voice wake-up, this can be combined if the new feature Assist?
This will be very useful, because in the current situation as they wrote if the access to the home assistant is local without a security certificate, (HTTP) the microphone is not activated in the browser, and this feature cannot be used,

Did you read this? Year of the Voice - Chapter 1: Assist - #22 by boheme61

I saw this, it only solved the problem in chrome and edge
It doesn’t work in Firefox.
If there is a way to connect Rhasspy, it will be possible to use an external microphone (as in the video he used the HomePod)

As they mentioned, they are “working” on it, this is Chapter 1: … various people volunteered to start with “commands/tests” in various languages . “ongoing” , join in at some of the links in initial post above
I believe the Voice part through the Browser need some more “rethinking” in regards to the way various browser are going cause to security reasons ( actually to avoid law-suits, if you ask me ) :laughing: … anyway, before we’re there who knows, there might come a “Yellow-Mic / Blue-Mic” , generic-mic-integration, what ever
So it was a “homePod” Paulus talked in, ok, still awful :slight_smile: , and i have no idea what it is, most like it sounds like some device he had “integrated”, i just have an impatience personality (maybe) , and as i previously had played around with “text/typed commands” , i felt i had to “fight” the “browser-companies-rules” , FF seems alittle more tricky, as most know, they goes their way, in regards to many things in their browsers.
Still after 30 years there is a “combat” on this area, all-thou some “attempt” has become “outdated” , Java-applet, flash, etc things like CSS is still one of the biggest battle-fields , and then there is ofcause the big US companies who needs to “comply” with their products , beside their own reputation …

EDIT: My second “Lyric” reply in this Topic … 2 out of 3 aint bad

Just started playing with this. My first suggestion is that the iOS app needs the ability to long-press on the icon and select to launch assist, so you don’t have to fully open the app and click on the assist button (“Home Screen Quick Actions” I believe they’re called).

Oh, and this quick action should have the option to auto-start listening for voice commands to save typing.

Interesting. I use both siri and Alexa…I would have thought Amazon Echo would be in the mix here as well. Does anyone know why it isn’t? I realize this is just the first month, but I would have assumed Echo would have been the easiest one to start with?

I would love an “Assist Shortcut” for Android.
(There is one for Apple)
…or do I need to set up Nabu Casa?

How to change OpenAI conversation language?

you can use android shortcuts to get to it. Create a shortcut to any lovelace dashboard and add ?conversation=1 so for the home page /lovelace/home?conversation=1

This will be part of the next beta version of the app, if you would like to get it today you will need to sideload the latest beta from github.

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This year is going to be great! Would it be possible to add a sentence when a command isn’t recognized? Something like:

Make it bright in the kitchen.
Assist: I don’t recognize that command. What would you like it to do?
Turn on the Kitchen Overheads and the Dining Light to 100%.
Assist: OK. Saying, “Make it bright in the kitchen” will now turn on the Kitchen Overheads and the Dining Light to 100%.