I cannot control PTZ from the home assistant but its native app
I just bought Yi Dome 1080p camera and have Hassio intsllation, how can I integrate the camera???
Hey, wonder if any of you get a super delayed video feed (like say maybe a good 1 minute after incident).
Followed the method, and followed the recommendation based on the link given - 0.1.4-beta2 (https://home-assistant.io/components/camera.yi/).
My settings are as below:
- platform: yi
name: Common Bedroom Camera
host: ‘192.168.xxx.xxx’
password: xxxxxxxxxxxx
ffmpeg_arguments: ‘-vf scale=800:450’
Did I miss out anything? FYI, I also have other cameras (mixture of DLink, V380s and USB cameras), and Yi Dome 1080p seems to give me the most trouble after following the steps given. Much help would be appreciated!
Just follow the following link for the instructions:
*Make sure you have SD card inside even after installing the firmware. If all else fails, go via telnet to your camera and type ‘ln -s /tmp tmp’.
I’ve a Yi Dome 1080p, after I will hack it with the yi-hack-v3 firmware… I will lost the automatic detection and motion tracking feature?
You won’t lose it. That all still works fine. Unfortunately you will not have access to those features from within HASS, only from the mobile app.
Yes, it is super delayed. I believe the way it works is that it does not show a live feed since RTSP is not supported. Instead, it waits for the camera to save a video, then downloads that video over FTP. So the image will not update until presence is detected and a new video is recorded. Not ideal, but I suppose it gets the job done from a home security standpoint.
I see. True.
With the original settings that I have, the video is not only delayed at times, it went into ‘crash’ mode, and never get any more feed beyond a day.
I read up some ffmpeg_argument possible syntax, and I decide to tinker with framerate. So here’s my updated code:
- platform: yi
name: Common Bedroom Camera
host: ‘192.168.xxx.xxx’
password: xxxxxxxxxxxx
ffmpeg_arguments: ‘-r 2’
By adding ‘-r 2’ essentially I am trying to reduce the framerate (from original 24 fps in a very slow speed due to the network traffice (i guess?!) to just 2 fps), it seems that I can get at most 10 seconds difference between the original incident and the video feed. Which to me is acceptable range.
Thought of sharing just in case. By the way, anyone manage to do any video feed with audio through?
The - r 2 doesn’t reduce the size of the video though. It still records at 24fps in HD. The platform downloads the video and converts it to 2fps. So it’s actually adding more overhead to the system rather than less.
But as far as ffmpeg arguments, I found that reducing the resolution has been the most effective for Hass performance. I don’t need HD in Hass, I can get HD straight from the camera if I need it.
ffmpeg_arguments: '-pred 1 -vf scale=800:450'
I’ve never ran into a crash situation and ha e had perfect stream uptime for the past month on 2 cameras.
I see.
I tried on ffmpeg_arguments: ‘-pred 1 -vf scale=800:450’ as well.
Reading of the video content speed is still slow, but yes, the video resolution is good enough for my mobile viewing.
I will still monitor and see how it goes. Thanks for the headsup
In case you hadn’t noticed …
There is a way to integrate camera commands in HA?
I wish to integrate it with AlarmSystem so I will activate its recording function only when system alarm is armed. Can anyone help me?
Yeap - got that. Think I will just stick to 0.1.4beta-2 first. It looks good on my end so far.
Hi, is it normal for the video image to have a delay greater than 1 minute of difference with reality? how much is normal? How can I change this parameter? Thanks very much!
I remember someone mentioned this before - this is mainly based on ffmpeg reading from the file saved under the sd card. imagining real-time playback of ‘recorded’ files. my guess is there’s no way to change the parameters of how ‘soon’ you can retrieve the file for playback.
The rest can correct me if I am wrong.
It is a good quality sd card, 32 GB. Is better 16 GB to correct this lag?
@Ren_Kang hey bro, you mentioned you have a V380s camera configured in HA, can u help me out im also trying to do the same and completely new to this, can you tell me how to include it in the yaml file?
@JARVIS hey bro, did you fix your problem with your V380S ?
@Ren_Kang replied your question ?
Can you please share your yaml config because I haven’t enough hair to tear out
Nope, no one replied, I never configured any camera in HA
thank you. I’ll post if I find a solution