You need to try forked-daapd if you are an iTunes user, Airplay user, or interested in playing local music

Has anyone an idea what this means? @scstraus ?

[2021-04-07 23:26:34] [  LOG]     mdns: Avahi state change: Client collision
[2021-04-07 23:26:34] [  LOG]     mdns: Avahi state change: Client registering

The log is full with this two entries. Every 20 sec. a new pair. Google does not find something helpful.

Avahi is the implementation of Apple’s Bonjour autodiscovery service for Linux… It’s used by airplay devices and iTunes to announce their presence on the network. I don’t really know what a client collision is, but if everything is working okay, I wouldn’t be too concerned personally.

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You’re right. I have no issues as far as i can tell. But it is strange… i would expect that registering works… but on the other hand where does the demon try to do that?

I have no idea what’s registering to what… I am certainly not an expert on bonjour or Avahi, so I’ve told you most of what I know. But the proof is in the pudding… If your speakers all show up then it’s working…

I will investigate at a later stage. It works for now.

Thanks for your help!

For the records (or users who find this information at a later stage):

The project is still under development and has been renamed. At the moment this means no changes (e. g. for HA Integratiion daapd);


I’ve found out what causes the issue. with avahi messages flooding the logs. After my docker log for daapd / owntone growth to > 500 MB size…

One should not create a host name for the docker container. If it is defined in the docker-compose.yaml remove it.

Take down the container (docker-compose down) and take it up again (docker-compose up -d). Simple start /stop is not sufficent when changing the compose file.

After that the message are gone.

see also:

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Is anyone else having trouble installing this?

I’ve added GitHub - Ulrar/hassio-addons: Repo for hassio addons - repository, but trying to install forked-daapd or raspotify does nothing when clicking the Install-button. Logs output a lot of things, ending with:

Step 22/34 : RUN sed -i -e 's/\(uid.*=.*\)/uid = "root"/g' forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i s#"ipv6 = yes"#"ipv6 = no"#g forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i s#/srv/music#/share/forked-daapd/music#g forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i s#/usr/local/var/cache/forked-daapd/songs3.db#/share/forked-daapd/cache/songs3.db#g forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i s#/usr/local/var/cache/forked-daapd/cache.db#/share/forked-daapd/cache/cache.db#g forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i s#/usr/local/var/log/forked-daapd.log#/dev/stdout#g forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i "/websocket_port\ =/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i "/trusted_networks\ =/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i "/pipe_autostart\ =/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i "/db_path\ =/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i "/cache_path\ =/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i "/airplay_shared/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i "/control_port\ =/ s/#/ /" forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i "/timing_port\ =/ s/#/ /" forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i "/timing_port/{N;s/\n#/\n/}" forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i "s/\(control_port =\).*/\1 3690/" forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i "s/\(timing_port =\).*/\1 3691/" forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i "/type\ =/ s/#/ /" forked-daapd.conf     && sed -i 's/\(type =\).*/\1 "pulseaudio"/' forked-daapd.conf
 ---> Running in f09252b26bc0
sed: can't read forked-daapd.conf: No such file or directory

Removing intermediate container f09252b26bc0

Any ideas?

Looks like you haven’t created your share/forked-daapd/forked-daapd.conf as required by the addon. Read the instructions. This addon cannot be configured with the addon configuration panel like other addons.

I assumed that I should edit the file after installation, since it says “edit”. If I have to actually create the file, then what should it contain?

Feel like I’m missing the instructions, am I reading in the wrong place?
Looking here:

seems we cant install the add-on because the forked-daapd repository doesn’t exist anymore since a few days ago because it has been renamed to owntone.

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I would like to suggest a docker compose file. Even that daapd has been renamed to owntone, the container is still maintained (6 days ago latest).

version: '2.1'
    container_name: daapd
    network_mode: host
      - ./config:/config
      - ./music:/music
      # Verzeichnis um die Mediathek vom NAS genau
      # so einzubinden wie das in iTunes der Fall ist
      # damit greift dann der Inhalt der iTunes Lib (XML)
      - ./Users:/Users:ro
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      # expose pi user scripts folder to container
      # - /home/pi/scripts:/config/scripts
    restart: unless-stopped
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
        max-size: "8m"
        max-file: "3"

Create a “config” folder in you docker folder for the container (volumes s. above) and put the daapd.conf in that folder.

After that start over with docker-compose up -d while staying (pwd) in the folder.

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The add on for HA? Should also do with owntone. No big changes so far expect for the name.

Or do i miss something?

Im running the supervised installation, no docker. Is the add-on not going to work any more?

The Dockerfile for the add-on has a lot of references to “forked_daap” which now does not exist. The repo url redirects to owntone and the code has been changed to say owntone instead of forked_daap. I suppose this is breaking the addon installation

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Addon works fine for me still. I think as long as you don’t need to reinstall it you should be fine.

I’ve excatly the same error than @comatose_tortoise when I click on “install” in the add-on supervisor.
Same step with error in log file : sed: can’t read forked-daapd.conf: No such file or directory

But, the documentation don’t say to create this file before installation :wink:

The configuration tab isn’t implemented yet, you will need to edit the config file in /share/forked-daapd/forked-daapd.conf if you want to change anything. The defaults should work fine for most uses.

So, I try anyway to create the file before launching installation.
Error again !

I saw that you had succeeded.
Could you precise if you create the file before please ?

Does anyone have an issue with Spotify volume being much lower than local file volume?

You can use this source:

The original add-on has some wrong references to old repositories (it’s based on and it’s now called owntone instead of forked-daapd).

I tried it and the installation was succesful, it finds the Airplay speakers with the forked-daapd integration in Home Assistant but after connecting with the webinterface or trying to stream some TTS to the airplay speakers the following error occurred:

./run: line 18:   341 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) owntone -f -c /config/owntone/owntone.conf -P /var/run/
s6-envdir: fatal: unable to envdir: No such file or directory
s6-envdir: fatal: unable to envdir: No such file or directory

I’m not sure what your problem is without looking at your file system. I had the config file when I installed the addon, but if you need to manually put it, you can find the text for it here