Youtube Music - Media Browser

Any chance that you could test the spotify Integration?
All above looks correct, the url works … At this point I’m pretty clueless what could be the problem.

I don’t have a sonos so I don’t know if play_media works with online stored media at all …


I will try to test the Spotify integration later. Waiting on the premium subscription to be active.

Tested some .mp3 files over the internet which works on my Sonos. Apart from that, I’m nowhere near a dev or anything like that, so if you are clueless, than I’m automatically too :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe, but you have the hardware on site :wink:
Have you tried to download a track from youtube to a local place like your www folder and send your sonos a link to that file?
E.g. test.mp3 in the www folder and send http://IP.8123/local/test.mp3 to the speaker

Well, not on my own Home Assistant instance. I have SSL setup and it cried about an ssl issue or something. But I have found a link to a public MP3 files which plays without any issue.

Well basically the following thing can be the issue from my view:
1.) Sonos can’t play online stored files at all
2.) The media type has to be different from audio/mp3
3.) The youtube link are too long
4.) The youtube links are ssl
5.) The YouTube links don’t provide proper file type suffixes
6.) Something else in the file isn’t compatible with sonos

You’ve tested 1.) And 2.) And 4.)
The next logical step would be to grab the file from youtube and store/play it locally. Either with a shorter filename and with/without file type suffix


I think it has something to do with 5.)

I have tried the Spotify integration but I’m a bit stuck.
I can use the integration, I can browse all the information through the media browser but there is no option from there to select a output device. It works with Spotcast, but that does not work for Sonos.
They made some progress on Spotify with Sonos, but as far as I know you are not able to browse using the media browser.

Here you can see that the correct uri from Sonos is used to make it work.
As said I am nowhere near a developer so I have no clue how to help any further for testing…

Found something for Youtube Music and Sonos, but I think this is something on it’s own…

If your willing to test.

  1. try the play_media url with the x-rincon-mp3radio prefix from edit3 below
  2. download one song from youtube (just take the url from above) and store it to e.g. C:\temp\ with its original very long file name (or ‘a very long filename’ without suffix)
  3. make a copy of the file with a way shorter filename e.g. test with no suffix
  4. make another copy with suffix e.g. test.mp3
  5. install a small webserver, something like (i haven’t tested but should do exactl what we’re after) and download
  6. doublecheck that you can access the files (ideally from another PC) with http://YOURIP/test.mp3
  7. send the url to your sonos (lets start with test.mp3) via the play_media service in homeassistant
  8. if that works -> test without mp3 suffix
  9. if that works -> test with long filename version
  10. report back :slight_smile:
    thanks JKW

edit: from the integration … you have to specify it as ‘music’

edit2: also intersting:

edit3: also try “x-rincon-mp3radio://YOURIP/test.mp3” instate of “http://YOURIP/test.mp3”
actually this might be a good idea upfront … try the original url from youtube and do the same replace there …

So one thing works:

If I call media_player.play_media from the service tab in developer tools and call this data, it works:

entity_id: media_player.sonos_woonkamer
media_content_id: x-rincon-mp3radio://
media_content_type: music

So that means online stored MP3 files are playable.

I have no clue if you can convert the data via YouTube-dl to a playable MP3 file or something?

Simply do the same thing with this url:

Edit although I don’t expect it to work due to the missing ssl

Already tried that indeed.

In the Sonos app I see that something wants to play but I get the message:

“cannot play videoplayback?expire= UNTIL BoQ7” (where UNTIL is everything in between) after that it also says cannot connect to because the server is not found. Maybe the string is. indeed too long, because it looks like it caps the url at BoQ7…

Hey everyone …
Shortcut support added

Badezimmer / Keller / Laptop are Players, mylikes and lala are playlists. Doku:


I hit this error after updating (it’s fixed now so there is no issue)

2020-12-26 13:25:16 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [custom_components.ytube_music_player.media_player] Exception during login, e.g. login data are NOT correct
2020-12-26 13:25:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.ytube_music_player.media_player] 

============= ytube_music_player Integration Error ================
2020-12-26 13:25:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.ytube_music_player.media_player] unfortunately we hit an error in the sub api, please open a ticket at
2020-12-26 13:25:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.ytube_music_player.media_player]
2020-12-26 13:25:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.ytube_music_player.media_player] and paste the following output:

2020-12-26 13:25:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.ytube_music_player.media_player] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/homeassistant/homeassistant/custom_components/ytube_music_player/", line 543, in _update_playlists
    self._playlists = self._api.get_library_playlists(limit = 99)
  File "/usr/local/share/homeassistant/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ytmusicapi/mixins/", line 29, in get_library_playlists
    results = find_object_by_key(nav(response, SINGLE_COLUMN_TAB + SECTION_LIST),
  File "/usr/local/share/homeassistant/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ytmusicapi/parsers/", line 167, in nav
    raise err
  File "/usr/local/share/homeassistant/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ytmusicapi/parsers/", line 161, in nav
    root = root[k]
KeyError: 'contents'

2020-12-26 13:25:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.ytube_music_player.media_player] 
thanks, Kolja
2020-12-26 13:25:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.ytube_music_player.media_player] ============= ytube_music_player Integration Error ================

I just wanted to mention this in case it’s helpful to know - you did correctly catch the error on the first line.

2020-12-26 13:25:16 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [custom_components.ytube_music_player.media_player] Exception during login, e.g. login data are NOT correct

I had forgotten that I recently cleared by browser cache.

I returned to YouTube Music and retrieved a new copy the cookie, which I was able to then reconfigure, using the integration’s OPTIONS. - Everything is back running now without error.

When detecting a login exception, it might be helpful to suggest for a user to obtain and reconfigure a fresh browser cookie.

I’ll add that, thanks for mentioning it. The login is still not “good” and that’s a known task for the underlying api. I’m very happy for all the great work they’ve done and I’m sure that they’ll find a proper way instead of the cookie - but until that: that’s what we have to deal with.

Will there be an option to choose from albums in the libary?

Would be really great :wink: Love the fact we choose playlists, so we can make any album as an playlist offcourse… But that’s a work around :smiley:

That should already be possible via the media browser

Oh, yeah it is! How did I miss this! Great job man!

1 Like

Wow this is really amazing, love everything you have done! Trying to get the mini media player to work with my google home minis/nest minis. I cant seem to figure it out. Anyone have this working?

Jep, I do. What’s the Problem? Is it working with the default media player card? Jkw

Hi, happy new year, happy new feature:

I frequently have this situation

  • I walk down to the kitchen (an motion sensor detects me, turns on the lights and (within a certain time-window), starts playback of ytube_music in the kitchen)
  • Once the coffee is ready I walk over the my office (holding the kitchen lightswitch for 1s turns all lights etc off)
  • After arriving in my office I have to open homeassistant, turn off the ytube_music player, switch to the office player, turn it on again … sometime have to listen to the same song …

didn’t like that … so the new feature will help

  • The automation that turns off the kitchen light will (within a certain time-window) simply fire the media_player.select_source command

That will

  • grab the current media_position of the track on my kitchen player
  • stop the playback in the kitchen
  • turn off the kitchen player
  • start the same track (and playlist) on my office player
  • seek forward to the same position that the kitchen player was stopped at

Might be useful for any of you as well …

It works fine between my Google Home mini and my Chrome-cast and back, but I haven’t tested this on any other player … there is a little risk that the seek command arrives before the player started the playback (still loading the track). Never happened to me, but could be a potential weakness.