Youtube Music - Media Browser

How to have a playlist playing continously? I ny environment i must click on forward to have the playlist continue to play, otherwise it stops after playing one song.
My boolean ‘play continously’ is on.

Thanks, i’ll wait for the bugfix.
Another question: Is there a limit to the number of playlists listed inside the extra sensor?

How to add more playlists inside the extra sensor? Actually i see i can have not more than 25.

You can change that in the configuration menu

Downgraded to 2021.12.1 and everything is fine again. There is also already a pull-request at github. Hopefully it is fixed in the next version.

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Thanks… i did it…

I tried it, but in this way i can add only the total loaded tracks in a playlist.
My question was about the number of playlists listed inside the ‘ytube_music_player_playlist’ input_select. Is there a way to change the default value which seems to be 25?

Works again … 2021.12.4 :star_struck:

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great, everything back on track

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Yes i confirm, all is working again with 2021.12.4
P.S. Did you read my question to you about the entries in the playlist list?

Hi, im new here, and maybe someone else has asked this question before but i cant find the answer, is there any way to connect airplay 2 ‘marantz or homepod’ with ytube_player in HA?


You can use any player that can stream from an url … ytube_music_player will decode the url and send it to the “remote player” … Chromecasts are well tested. Most other appear to have issues …

Soooo: no idea :wink:

thanks, can i use nvidia shield? does it mean that no way to let it works with airplay?

No idea … Possible that it works … I don’t have the hardware to test

How add search button/box to this player?
I want not only play from my liblary but sometimes I want play something new from Youtube and if I have box/field where I can write something I can play something else.

Hello. I’m trying to make it work but I’m doing something wrong. I am not using lovelace ui and I am not using mini-player either. I don’t know if this is a requirement. When I look at the media player from the developer options it tells me that the player is off. I had no problem installing it and that’s why I don’t understand why it doesn’t work. There you can help me to see how to solve it. Thanks a lot

Hi, so what exactly are you trying to do? usually the easiest way would be to use the media_browser in lovelace … second best would be the mini-media-player … but you can run any other interface and simply use the service calls… so what do you mean by “it doesn’t work”

I want search any music and play it on speaker - like in youtube but without video

Sorry for the translation. Sometimes it is difficult to explain well. When I use spotify from my cell phone, the integration detects it and I thought that the same thing would happen with yutube music.

I took the image that I show you when it is running from the cell phone. But the integration says that nothing is being reproduced. Thanks a lot