Thanks, that’s worth knowing so probably best to hold off updating for now.
Probably that is the difference, the drivers can be already updated, don’t know.
On the other hand let me tell you that after upgrading to DSM7 my system was running fine for about 2 months, and then suddenly the USB disconnect problem started to occur from weekly to daily basis, something speed up that darn thing.
So probably you’re still just on that “grace period” of sorts, who knows.
Man, you just saved my life, I wouldn’t have noticed it and would have upgraded just to loose Z-Wave!
I uninstalling all z wave JS component. I installing z wave JSto mqtt and enable 3000 port. Zwave JS integration working good.
So, you have uninstalled the official Add On ZWave JS and you didn’t lose any device ?
No. My aeotec controller store zwave device data. But I dont know that the HA can not change entity name. I added most of the tools under domoticz.
M process:
1, uninstall JS addon and JS integration.
2, Install js to mqtt addon
3, Setup 3000 port
4, add controllel to addon in addon setup (webpage) and disable restart, mqtt.
5, install zwave JS integration withous JS addon. The integration find the JS to MQTT addon to recommended link.
6, wait that the HA find z wave device
They made it ! 1.47 works great again on DSM 7.1 VM.
I was doing some tidying up in my server cabinet yesterday and my Aeotech Z-stick disappeared similar to as originally described by @jprates in his original post above
I tried a few things such as restarting HA, restarting the VM, and removing & re-adding the USB serial devices as below but done of this seemed to resolve the problem.
There were loads on errors in the logs refering to failures connecting with the USB device and the device paths for ttyACM0 and ttyACM1 no longer appeared in Supervisor under Host … Hardware.
I think that the problem was caused by disturbing the Aeotech Z-stik while is was installed in my Synology and I eventually resolved this through the following steps:
- Remove USB devices from the VMM interface (press the ‘-’ key as above).
- Reload Supervisor.
- Add USB devices back in the VMM interface.
My Z-stick is inserted into the Synology’s front USB port and my Zigbee CC2531 is installed in a 4-port USB hub connected ti the rear USB port (the hub also has a connection to an APC UPS).
Hope this helps in case others experience the problem.
Hey Kermit, I have the same Problem with the Conbee Stick. Have you ab solution?
Worked for me using DSM7.1 | Synology RS1221+ | HA in docker
Hi. Do you know of any compatibility problems with version 7 of the Stick? I have to buy one and I use HA on Synology VM
I also have 2 USB sticks mounted to dsm7…
Sometimes when I reboot the HassOS host, the USB drive gets dismounted… I need to attach it again… Is there an update on this?
I’m also considering a gen 7 stick, if anyone is bold enough to risk and buy one, please provide feedback to the rest of us here.