Z-wave JS show Node ID

When looking at the Z-wave JS integration Log, there are messages like:

10:56:24.936 CNTRLR [Node 015] did not respond after 1/3 attempts. Scheduling next try in 500 ms.

I don’t know what Node 015 is. I could have written this down when I paired the device but I didn’t realize I needed to do that.

The Z-wave JS Node ID for the entity should be displayed somewhere. Maybe on the entity settings.

To find the node id, go to the zwave js integration, click the configure button and on the next window, click on the devices button. That will give you the list of devices. Pick one and click the button. The node is is displayed there.

Thanks that works. I haven’t been looking at the devices view much since it’s hard to identify which actual device the device in the list refers to. For example I’ve got 4 devices that are all “Dimmable LED Light Bulb”. For some reason the Area is only filled in for 1 of them. The devices list could come in handy if I make the mistake of adding 2 devices and forget to rename the entities.

On the device page on the upper right hand side there’s a gear icon where you can change device and entity id’s.

Interesting. I’ve been renaming entities the hard way because I didn’t know about the device configuration panel.

It would be nice if we could have the Node ID on the main page. It is a little bit of a pain to go into every individual device to get the node ID. Be nice to have a page w/o all the NODEIDs very similar as we can get with zwavejstomqtt.


I have 70+ nodes and having to open each one to find the one I am looking for is not an ideal solution. If the node were listed on the main device list it would help link what we see in the logs to the device.


Old thread, but wanted to update with a solution that I found that might help others. The Z-Wave JS integration adds the home and node-id as a tuple in the “identifiers” attribute of the device. This is accessible using:

device_attr(state.entity_id, "identifiers")
# {('zwave_js', '<HOMEID>-<NODEID>')}

You can then parse the returned tuples to access the node ID directly. I used the following to dump this from the templates Developer Tool.

Entity ID, Node ID
{% set devices = states 
| map(attribute="entity_id")
| map("device_id")
| unique
| select("string")
| list-%}
{% for device_id in devices -%}
{% set ids = device_attr(device_id, "identifiers") -%}
{% if ids and ids | first | first == "zwave_js" -%}
{{device_entities(device_id) | first}}, {{ ids | first | last  | replace("<HOMEID>-","") }} 
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}


@ryanlchan ,

You are awesome! That template worked perfectly. The example at Z-Wave JS - Home Assistant (look for dump) no longer works.

Hassio: 2021.12.9
Zwave JS: 0.1.52

Thanks for Sharing the workaround.

However, I still don’t get the device name associated with the ID:

Entity ID, Node ID
sensor.node_40_node_status, 3403819138-40-881:2:9 
sensor.node_51_node_status, 3403819138-51-881:2:9 
sensor.node_56_node_status, 3403819138-56 
sensor.node_58_node_status, 3403819138-58-881:2:9 
sensor.bambuslicht_electric_consumption_w_4, 3403819138-11-271:1538:4097 
sensor.motion_sensor_illuminance_2, 3403819138-22-271:2049:4098 
sensor.node_25_node_status, 3403819138-25-838:769:1025 
switch.bogenlampe_2, 3403819138-8 
sensor.node_52_node_status, 3403819138-52-271:4609:4096 
sensor.node_42_node_status, 3403819138-42-838:513:1025 
sensor.node_45_node_status, 3403819138-45-838:513:1025 
sensor.node_31_node_status, 3403819138-31-838:513:1025 
sensor.node_44_node_status, 3403819138-44 
sensor.node_32_node_status, 3403819138-32 
sensor.node_57_node_status, 3403819138-57-838:513:1025 
sensor.node_47_node_status, 3403819138-47-838:513:1025 
sensor.node_46_node_status, 3403819138-46 
sensor.node_49_node_status, 3403819138-49-838:513:1025 
sensor.flood_sensor_air_temperature, 3403819138-4 
sensor.node_34_node_status, 3403819138-34-838:513:1025 
sensor.node_59_node_status, 3403819138-59-271:1027:4096 
sensor.node_36_node_status, 3403819138-36-96:257:1 
sensor.node_55_node_status, 3403819138-55-316:2:80 
sensor.bewegungssensor_flur_og_node_status, 3403819138-7-271:2049:4098 
sensor.node_54_node_status, 3403819138-54 
sensor.node_23_node_status, 3403819138-23 
sensor.node_15_node_status, 3403819138-15-1027:2:3 
sensor.node_28_node_status, 3403819138-28 
sensor.rauchmelder_mads_node_status, 3403819138-18 
sensor.rauchmelder_pepe_node_status, 3403819138-17-1027:2:3 
sensor.node_29_node_status, 3403819138-29 
sensor.node_43_node_status, 3403819138-43-1027:3:0 
sensor.rauchmelder_wohnzimmer_node_status, 3403819138-19-1027:2:3 
sensor.rauchmelder_flur_eg_node_status, 3403819138-21 
sensor.rauchmelder_flur_dg_node_status, 3403819138-16 
sensor.node_27_node_status, 3403819138-27 
switch.wohnzimmerstrom_3, 3403819138-9 
switch.kaffeemaschine, 3403819138-3 
sensor.node_33_node_status, 3403819138-33 
sensor.node_60_node_status, 3403819138-60-271:514:4098 
sensor.rangeext_bad_og_node_status, 3403819138-5 
sensor.rangeext_flur_ug_node_status, 3403819138-2-881:4:189

Any help would be greatly appreciated.