Z Wave Polling?

Been having problems lately with my Z Wave devices not showing there status as changed it I manually toggle the switch at the device. i have added polling in the zwave_device_config.yaml file but it still don’t seem to work and the devices go dead after awhile. Played around with the polling_intensity values and still no difference. Is this a bug with the last upgrade or is it that I missed something?

I’m on version: 0.88.2. I should say it was working great and have not changed anything other then the upgrade.

  ignored: false
  polling_intensity: 2
  ignored: false
  polling_intensity: 2

Hi - Were you able to get this issue resolved?

I think I’m having the same problem as I just got a Nortek USB Zwave adapter for my HA system.

I have the same switch and I can connect to and HA creates this entity:


however, the toggles don’t appear to be working properly for me. I created this post with details:

but sounds like it might be similar to yours.

Any luck with the DZS15-1LZ Switch you were using with HA?


Wow. That was a long time ago. I’m sure it was resolved with the next update at that time.

Right now you should be able to set the polling from the UI.