So I just got some shiny new z-wave gear, everything is working out well so far. I’ve been playing with one of my PIR sensors here and decided to rename it using config->zwave->nodes->node values
Originally, the PIR was listed as binary_sensor.sensor and I’ve since renamed “sensor” to mudroom and I see this in my dev-states (see below) - I do not have it configured otherwise in yaml-files for the name/etc:
As I can tell, the Friendly Name was updated as is new_entity_id from old_entity_id. So far so good I thought, so I built a simple automation to test out my new device:
- alias: Mudroom-Motion
platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor_mudroom
to: 'On'
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: light.mudroom
But it’s not firing the lights up. I can see in the logbook that the sensor triggered:
But I don’t see the automation firing. I’ve restarted HA to make sure but I’m beginning to think it doesn’t see the entity ‘binary_sensor.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor_mudroom’ yet and still thinks it’s the old sensor name. I checked entity_registry.yaml and the sensor isn’t listed there under the new name.
I read somewhere that I need to force it awake in order to download the new config, is this the case here? Just need to complete that step and good to go? I’m sure it’s something easy I’m overlooking here but can’t see the tree through the forest, so to speak.