I have a trio of Aeotec ZW121 LED strips installed behind a mirror at the edge of my apartment.
I’m having a ton of trouble getting them to quickly and reliably respond to commands from Home Assistant. I think maybe the messages are taking a bad route to the root node. If I use my Aeotec Wallmote the strips respond quite promptly, but when triggered from an automation in HA I see lots of retransmits and errors, and sometimes the strips just don’t respond at all.
- Is there a traceroute-like tool for the z-wave network? Can I see the route that the messages are taking?
- Can I manually specify the neightbour to use? I have tried sticking another wired node with a much better line-of-sight into the area, but that hasn’t seemed to help with reliability so I assume that node isn’t being used as a relay. (I have done a bunch of network heals to no great effect)