Z-wave stick on second hassio instance

Hey gang,

After the new year, I’m planning on moving my hass.io installation from a pi to a pc using these directions:

My question is, can I leave home assistant on the original pi with the z-wave stick, disable automatons, scripts, etc and utilize the pi as a z-wave hub or is this just nuts?

Thanks for any advice.

You can use the remote instance custom component (on hacs) to make your Zwave one a ‘slave’ and report/control it from the master I believe.


Thank you. I will give this a look.

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Or you could do USB-over-ip like this guy here RPi as Z-Wave/ZigBee-over-IP server for Hass

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I’ll second this one. I use it for exactly this, and it works rather well.


Thank you! I’ll take a look at it.

I looked at the documentation and it looks very like a very good option.
Do you see any additional latency or other oddities? How well does this scenario recover from power outages - does the order of startup make any difference?

Thank you for your advice!

Based on my experiences so far…

  1. There is some increased latency, but generally not terrible
  2. Yes, it doesn’t handle reconnection as smoothly as I’d like, so you may have to ensure that the primary instance starts after the secondary

Thank you! This is very helpful.
Last question, if you were to do it again, would you go this route or spend the resources to go another way?

Right now, this is the simplest way of running a remote Z-Wave instance, other than Zwave2MQTT.

However, once the OZW 1.6 integration drops, you’ll be able to do this natively, using MQTT.

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Awesome! That’s the best news I’ve heard today! :smiley:

Thanks again for the feedback. This has been very helpful!