Z1-Mini zigbee development board

Out of stock since April 2022 :frowning:

Is there a valid alternative?
Iā€™d like create a small ZigBee device and I need of a ZigBee board for it.

Would love to see another production run of these, I too am wanting to make the move from Wifi based ESPHome devices to ZigBee.

Could be an option: https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/digi-international/XB3-24Z8US-J/8130939

As seen used in this Temp/Humid/Pressure Sensor: Xbee3 Zigbee Outdoor TE MS8607Press/Temp/Humid Sensor - Wireless and IoT - Electronic Component and Engineering Solution Forum - TechForum ā”‚ Digi-Key

Total guess though I have not tried or deeply looked into it yet.


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