Z2M issues

Then you probably haven’t done the steps needed. Follow those, remember to specify the correct adapter type and you will probably be fine. If not, come back with logs.

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Thank you fleskefjes. The kind of reply I’d hoped for, very helpful and more importantly polite.

The config, that I posted in the “incorrect format” shows I’m using the Sonoff dongle p, so I didn’t think there was a need to highlight that information again. However in a twist to all this, I have ordered myself a SMLIGHT SLZB-06, as I have a suspicion that my Sonoff had failed. Although, stupidly, I ordered the M version thinking more power is better but after doing some research, that may not be the case.

You are showing the config from the gui. The configuration.yaml file contains more.

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I had to edit your post to actually see if you had the correct spacing. This is why formatting matters. You actually do have the correct spacing, so this is not your problem.

In yaml, spacing matters, when you post on the forums without formats, the spacing is removed. I highly suggest you do this in the future without derailing your own thread. The spacing is highly important for people to help you, especially when you don’t supply logs.

I also edited the post to insert proper formatting.

Also, there was a quick 1 off release yesterday that is out of the ordinary for Zigbee2MQTT that addressed a few pressings issues. One of them was related to the chosen adapter and an issue with it. You may want to update the addon to ensure you’re at the latest version before trying a different adapter choice.

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I’ll preface this with - It was my fault. I bet other people had the same thoughts though.

I noticed the z2m upgrade, looked at the update notes that included “Breaking changes” and just hit install - which broke all of my Zigbee stuff.

The reason I ignored that - I didn’t understand that “Breaking Changes” meant I had to change stuff on my side so stuff didn’t break. Whenever I see “Breaking anything” I tend to ignore it because it (to me) is associated with clickbait.

I suggest changing that to something like “Fix these issues BEFORE updating or it will break your Z2M”.

Having said that, I reloaded a backup - but most of my Z2M was still broken. My reason stuff was broken is I use Zigbee Groups so I can for example bind the 5 lights in my diningroom chandelier together so when the lights come on or go off they all happen at the same time. It also makes things easier for me in regards to helpers, entities, and devices.

I didn’t expect a Z2M update to delete my zigbee groups. I did recreate them, and planned on upgrading the next day when I had time and my wife wouldn’t complain. Unfortunately the upgrade updated itself the next morning and none of our lights worked again. For the life of me, I can’t find where to turn auto update off on a single integration like Z2M. I have somewhere over 100 zigbee devices, so it was awesome fixing them twice, and regrouping them again.

I like Z2m - better support for more devices, and I like the dashboard stuff a lot. I switched from ZHA because of that. This update, however, cost me a lot of time and annoyance because the wife was complaining about the lights the whole time I was trying to fix it - and it broke the next day. Ugh.

There’s a big difference between “BREAKING NEWS” and “Breaking changes” :slight_smile:

Me either.

Or when they type so much and say so little.

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Thanks - I haven’t had to use the addon stuff for Z2M in a long time and forgot where that was. You also helped me inadvertently with my zwave. I didn’t notice it because I only really use zwave for my pool pump automations and I have the pool turned off because the liner and the filter is leaking and I’m not one of those “polar bear” swimmers. I would’ve been looking for that this summer when I fix the pool - or remove it and put a bunker with a man cave in.

I think auto updating add-ons is bad.


Auto updating containers is bad when you are on vacation.

Sorry but that was a terrible response :joy:

Thank you for editing my post into the correct format and for providing a constructive response. As you might have noticed, I’m hesitant about posting on these forums and, for that reason, I rarely do.

That said, could you teach me how to format my posts correctly? I’m not trying to be critical here—I genuinely appreciate your help—but wouldn’t it be more beneficial to guide me on how to do it properly rather than simply pointing out that I did it wrong?

3 backticks before and after your code will format it.



on american keyboards, backtick is shift + tilda (~).

Well, if you check the forums faq, it’s point 11. The faq is stickied at the top of everyone’s page unless you dismissed it.

Even in mobile view? I don’t see it but that’s not to say I haven’t dismissed it already.

It would have been here:


You must have dismissed it at some point.

Pop up? Would an ad-blocker prevent it? I probably dismissed it as a distraction :joy:. You live and learn.

it’s not a pop up, it’s more like a dismissable banner.

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In the forums here, that also formats as code from the editor.

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Just a little update for those who are interested.

Today I setup the SLZB-06m I purchased to replace the Sonoff dongle p that I was using up until my recent issues. Z2M is now working again and I highly recommend the SLZB-06. Everything is working again, the only downside was that I had to re-pair all my devices again.

Apologies if I upset anyone on this thread and next time I’ll make sure I read the rules first :joy:. Just go easy if I miss something.

Don’t read rules. Be what you are and don’t apologize for then to anyone.

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