Back on this channel again. After +/- 2 weeks of having fun with the GW03 and tasmota firmware, it seems to be very unstable. (I now even struggle to get the GW03 back online, even starting from scratch again. Flashing works, but the ‘fixed Ecroc file’ doesn’t allow me to connect through, the helpfull idiot flash file does, but is very unstable in my setup.
In other words, the ESPhome route then, but I get stuck (as always due lack of full understanding what I am doing).
-I work with W10, CMD so therefore:
-I installed python (3.10) with GIT and I have installed ESP home 2021.9.3
-I have check working order by command ‘Esphome version’ and replies with: “version 2021.9.3”
-I have created a folder on my desktop called MyEsphome
-I have opened this folder in CMD, so my line states: C:\Users\Seesar\Desktop\MyEsphome
-now the guide states: " Setup an ESPHome Project (see, compile the firmware for the gateway and flash the firmware to the device:"
No idea what this means…
-I managed to create a project by running the wizard (ESPhome wizard gw03.yaml) and followed the 4 steps (esp32, board esp-wrover-kit, SSID + PW and test OTA pw). A file is created called gw03.yaml in folder myesphome. This yaml files then contains my SSID and pw etc information.
My questions is, how do I compile the rest of the firmware and flash it with the configuration file?
I managed to flash the GW03 by running the command ‘Esphome run coordinator-example.yaml’.
As part of trail and error (because no idea what above instruction means) I created this file by manually creating a text file, copy-pased the example data in it an called it ‘coordinator-example.yaml’; there is no download option.
This file is successfully compiled and uploaded to the GW03, but of course it then still doesn’t know what my SSID and PW is to connect to the network; hence it is not recognized either.
So in short, what step am I missing, or what am I doing wrong?
I am not sure how the 2 files:
-wizard created gw03.yaml for SSID info
work together/are compiled/flashed together.
Also from where does it get configured to be in ethernet mode instead of wifi?