Zen34 issues

Hello @jakecolman, you’re correct, you’ll have to install a Zooz or whatever smart switch to replace the Decor light switch and control the load of the lights. And that switch will indeed have a state, and it’s the state of that switch that will give you the state of you lights and that you’ll be able to expose in Lovelace. If it’s a dimmer switch, you can use the light card to fully control the lights. That will also give you the infinite possibilities to control the lights with a Zen34, your alarm state or any other automation you wish. I actually that exact setup in my home, using a TopGreener TGWF500D dim switch. Good luck!

Hi @cybergrimes I am running 2021.7.3 with the legacy OWZ. the device is still showing up as unknown. Is there something I need to do here? firmware says 1.02.

Zooz Unknown: type=7000, id=f001


Sorry for the delay I was camping. My submissions to OZW were for the 1.6 branch. If you’re on legacy OZW 1.4 you’ll have to put the config files in a custom config directory for HA to read. I did this by downloading the entire 1.4 config from the OZW GitHub repo and placing it the ‘config’ folder on my supervised HA installation. Then I set the following in configuration.yaml:

config_path: /config/path_to_ozw_config_files

afterwards you can maintain your own OZW 1.4 config files for any devices that were released after the 1.4 branch was closed to new config submissions. Naming comes from the ‘manufacturer_specific.xml’ file in the OZW config, as well this file points tot he correct config XML for each device.

If you just want to correct the name and do not need any advanced settings you can stop your Z-Wave network from the management page, edit the name in the zwcfg XML located in the HA config directory and then restart HA. It should show up with the new name after the restart.

Hi. Brand new ZEN34 working well however showing battery state as <5% though new batteries?


So I have a ZEN34 remote switch that I’m trying to use to control my garage lights, which are in turn controlled with a Minoston 2-outlet switch. There are two LED strips, each controlled by one outlet. In addition there is a floodlight connected to a motion sensor, a HomeSeer FLS-100-G2. I have two automations set up, one to turn on all three lights, one to turn them all off, from the up paddle and down paddle respectively (using Scene 001/KeyPressed and Scene 002/KeyPressed respectively).

Anyway, it sort of works, but I have a weird problem: the secondary outlet on the Minoston sometimes does not respond, either to turn on and off. It is quite erratic, and ONLY seems to appear when I use the Remote Switch. If I trigger the secondary outlet a different way, e.g. from the HA app on my phone, it never has a problem (that I can see). I realize a number of things could be wrong here, but anyone have any ideas, or know about issues with automations triggering multiple actions, or a better way to deal with this? I’m also using ZWaveJS2MQTT, btw. I migrated over from ZWaveJS since is seems the latter currently still does not have good support for certain things. Also running on a Pi4 using a managed OS install if it makes a difference.

Note I don’t currently have the motion sensor set up to control the lights, I don’t want to make things even more complicated while I am trying to debug this issue.