ZHA Aqara E1 thermostat and Aqara temperature sensor

I am in the process of switching to a new smart heating setup based on Home Assistant and Aqara.
I have added an Aqara E1 Thermostat which works just fine.
I can see target and current temperatures, and I have been able to create a couple of automations.

I have also added an Aqara Temperature and Humidity sensor.
I can see all the values from the sensor.

But that is it.

Has anybody been able to connect such a temperature sensor to such a thermostat using ZHA?
By connect I mean telling the thermostat to use the temperature sensor as an external temperature sensor.

I have seen a couple of posts, which states that it should work fine when using Z2M.
But I have got quite a bit of setup using ZHA, and I would prefer not to have to migrate.
I am running HA on a RaspberryPi 4 with a HA Skyconnect.

Well you could try better thermostat integration from HACS.
Maybe this is what you are looking for.

Thanks Daniel.

I have looked a bit at Better Thermostat.
(not installed it yet).
But it looks as if it works by adjusting the target temperature using HA automations.
This is not what I want.
The Aqara TRV’s support connecting an external temperature sensor to it directly (through Zigbee).
This will make the TRV use the value of the external sensor as its current temperature instead of its built-in sensor.
This way it is not necessary to keep adjusting the target temperature.
I just can’t figure out how to make the coupling in HA when I don’t have an Aqara hub.

I set it up a long ago and it doesn’t require automation. It can set up external temperature sensor and additional temperature sensor, ie. one or more bedroom sensors, as room temperature sensor, if I remember correctly. I know that it is working with smart trv, maybe it can work with smart thermostat.
Well try it out. If it doesn’t suit your needs you can easily remove integration.

Did you find a solution maybe zha?

I actually decided to get rid of the Aqara TRV’s and move to Danfoss Ally.
The Aqaras were appearantly ony able to be fully opened and fully closed.
They would then alternate between these to maintain the target temperature.
This made the piping in my house very noisy.
My wife was not happy :slight_smile:

I have tried Better Thermostat.
But that has been broken for several weeks.
It makes the target temperature jump up and down randomly all the way from 0 to 35 degrees.

So I have now ventured down the road of manipulating the TRV’s directly through ZHA setting cluster parameteres etc.
This looks very promissing as I can feed the measured temperature from the external temperature sensor directly into the TRV, so it can still be doing all of its relatively advanced adaption to the surroundings.
As opposed to “cheating” by adjusting the target temperature high or low to meet the actual requirements.

And it is not as hard as I oirginally thought :slight_smile:

Hey, I stumbled upon this post while trying to figure out how I could possibly do the same thing with my sonoff thermostat. Would you mind explaining this in detail? How did you create what binding exactly, maybe you ecen have a screenshot to share? I have heard of cluster bindings/properties for the first time here but believe I just might be able to get it working with this!

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Hey man, do you mind sharing your process please.

I have Aqara E1 TRV which I need to adjust according to the Aqara temp sensor I have (away from the radiator). Im unable to figure out how to get this working in HA.

Here is a link to another thread that solved exactly that for me: