ZHA - Aqara Wireless Remote Switch (Double Rocker)

just got this blueprint working with a WRS-R02 directly connect via ZHA in HA. Did had to change the commands in the blueprints after listening to the events as liviumac stated.

These are the commands for the 1st button that are working for me that i adjusted in the my locally saved blueprint:

    - '{{ command == ''1_single'' }}'
    sequence: !input button_single_press_left
  - conditions:
    - '{{ command == ''1_double'' }}'
    sequence: !input button_double_press_left
  - conditions:
    - '{{ command == ''1_hold'' }}'
    sequence: !input button_long_press_left

Before using this blueprint i followed this instruction and installed the custom quirck to get the device working properly.

I have the same issue, can anyone help?

These steps are only tested with the wireless switch (lumi.remote.b28ac1)

When you use the zha event listener
(Developer tools > Events > Listens to event fill in zha_event and start listening)
Do you get single press events even when you double triple press or hold?

If so,

Do the following
1: Home Assistant > Configuration > Devices & Services > Zigbee > Click on your Aqara H1 switch
2: Click next to reconfigure on the 3 dots > Manage zigbee device
(Make sure on Clusters that AqaraRemoteManuSpecificCluster (endpoint id:1, Id: 0xfcc00, Type: in) is selected
3: Select on attributes click_mode (id 0x0125)
3.1 value fill in 2
3.2 fill in Manufacturer code override 4447
Write attribute (if its fails make sure that you press the Aqara button 5 times in quick succession to get it out of sleep mode)
3.3 Select on attributes operation mode (id: 0x0009)
3.4 value fill in 1
3.5 fill in Manufacturer code override 4447
(Same story if its fails make sure that you press the Aqara button 5 times in quick succession to get it out of sleep mode)

Now that’s done go back to the ZHA listener and verify that double pressed etc is registered.

Example when i double press:

event_type: zha_event
  device_ieee: 54:ef:44:10:00:5b:72:27
  unique_id: 54:ef:44:10:00:5b:72:27:1:0x0012
  device_id: 9896c458eda01ab2a47a378ced521bd7
  endpoint_id: 1
  cluster_id: 18
  command: 1_double
    button: 1
    press_type: double
    attr_id: 85
    value: 2
  params: {}
origin: LOCAL
time_fired: "2024-03-08T21:10:46.620538+00:00"
  id: 01HRFYEXJW7WJT03EAJ09377T1
  parent_id: null
  user_id: null