ZHA - Battery device choose a router far away

Hi Gents,

Basically I was noticing in the network overview that some of my battery end devices was choosing to connect to a router further away on another floor like 10 meters away instead of a router in the same floor only 2 meters away. So the line is red due that the connection is far away. Why would it choose to connect to that instead of the one closet to it. Anyone can explain me how it works :slight_smile: ? also is there a way to say use this router preferably it’s closer. It’s a Philips motion sensor and it connects to a Philips bulb far away instead of the smart plug next to it that act as a router as well.


If the closer router was added at a later date after the battery sensor then it might not automatically move unless you manually re-paring it again, some devices does that, read:




Also see → https://community.home-assistant.io/t/guide-for-zigbee-interference-avoidance-and-network-range-coverage-optimization/515752

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The network manages itself based on a lot of information humans don’t usually have access to. So don’t assume just because it’s closer it’s ‘better’

The short non technical version is the first valid parent to respond during the join event gets the job and Zigbee devices dont move off thier parent unless they can’t find it anymore.

If it’s working. Leave it alone.