šŸŽ® ZHA, deCONZ, Zigbee2MQTT - Ikea E1744 SYMFONISK rotary remote Universal blueprint - all actions - control lights, media players and more with Hooks

If itā€™s any comfort Iā€™m on 2021.10.6 and the issue is back. My hope is that @epmatt can give any hints on what weā€™re doing wrong when he gets time.

The legacy mode needs to be disable (which is enable by default) in order to work with the blueprint

Hello, the blueprint is not working for me. It receives event from Z2M but no ahb_controller_event are published.

Here is my setup:
* Core 2021.11.3
* Zigbee2MQTT
* Blueprint Version 2021.10.26

As you can see in the following the event from Z2M is correctly parsed (ie: rotate_left is correctly extracted, but the choose return the default (empty) action

According to my test the conditions are failing:

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Hi all,

thank you for reporting here, sorry for my late response. Iā€™m trying to keep up with all the messages Iā€™m receiving both here and on GitHub, and answering all of your questions, with the same amount of attention to every single one of them, but sometimes I miss a few posts here and there. These blueprints are getting so popular!

@Malaka could you please share the YAML for the automation you set up with this blueprint? Hopefully we should be able to find a configuration which makes the volume control less sensitive to the device movement.

@EatChikinMor @kspplayer123 (welcome both to the HA forum! :smiley: ) @Cats the YAML and feedback you provided make me guess that the issue is not with the blueprints themselves, rather with some kind of bug in Home Assistant. Could you please update your instance to the latest version (2021.11.4) and check whether the issue is still present?

A GitHub user reported the same issue but for the IKEA E1743 controller blueprint, with the device being integrated with deCONZ, so this looks to be a general problem. No reports for issues with Zigbee2MQTT at the moment.

@jabesq Iā€™m glad that your issue is solved. :slight_smile:

The legacy mode needs to be disable (which is enable by default) in order to work with the blueprint

Exactly, as described in the blueprintā€™s documentation:

Zigbee2MQTT Integration (Optional)

If you plan to integrate the with Zigbee2MQTT, you must have this integration set up. Installation methods differ between different installation types. Check out the documentation for full details on the required hardware and how to set up Zigbee2MQTT on your system.

When configuring the remote with Zigbee2MQTT make sure to disable the legacy integration for it, as reported here. This blueprint wonā€™t work with controllers with a legacy integration due to their instability and fundamental problems.

Thank you all for your patience!

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Thanks for answering @epmatt!
I canā€™t check with ZHA, since I have moved my system over to zigbee2mqtt. With zigbee2mqtt it is working :ok_hand: :+1:

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Hi @Cats,

thank you for your feedback! Iā€™m glad to hear that your issue is solved.
In the meanwhile, the GitHub user who reported the same issue but for the IKEA E1743 controller blueprint and deCONZ was able to solve it by updating HA Core to the latest version. So I guess the issue was with some kind of bug in Home Assistant event management.

Happy automating, and enjoy the blueprints! :wink:

HI, Thanks for figuring this out. Had the same issue, changed the yaml as described and it all starts working.

Im using Zigbee2Mqtt, and I set legacy: false.
What I want is to control one light (dimming and toggling).
But it doesnt work.
https://i.imgur.com/s6wPQHB.png it looks like the condition is not met?
I can see in my z2m logs that mqtt topics are sending OK.
What else can be the cause?
Here is mine test123 automation.yaml:

- id: '1639401659831'
  alias: test123
  description: ''
    path: EPMatt/ikea_e1744.yaml
      integration: Zigbee2MQTT
      controller_entity: sensor.ikea_symfonisk_action
      helper_last_controller_event: input_text.ikea_symfonisk_blueprint_helper
      - service: light.toggle
          entity_id: light.office_desk_lamp
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Using the controller and light hook Iā€™m having a hard time getting anything close to smooth dimming. Is it possible or is it kind of the nature of the device?

@Zipties, take a look at: Tip: finetune a light dimmer/media player volume with a remote

Would I want to put that in the hook light code, the controller, or its own automation?

In the controller - which is the automation for it.

Which is the best light.turn_on service call for that, steps or percentage? I gave it a try but it is acting oddly. It initially starts to dim but then stops altogether. The hook also has settings for light steps which seems like would conflict with the controller

Still trying to figure out my dimming issues, and it seems to be controller related. If I monitor the rotary dial in Z2M I can see the dial is sending fast and precise updates on the dial turn, but when monitoring the ahb_controller_event it only sends an event about every half to quarter-turn of the dial.

Hey guys,

Iā€™m finding the doco a little vague as to what it needs.

Anyone using the automation with a TUBZ coordinator? is that right?

And the media player hook

What goes in controller entity? Its only showing me sensors

If anyone can post a screen shot of what this should look like would be very helpful :slight_smile:

If I try to run the controller automation I get this error

Stopped because an error was encountered at February 5, 2022, 12:58:40 AM (runtime: 0.01 seconds)

UndefinedError: ā€˜dict objectā€™ has no attribute ā€˜eventā€™

Just to add, I did a test with the simple ZHA blue print thatā€™s floating around for this and the device does work.

Just looking though the doco, there is not enough context.

ā€œTo use this blueprint you need to first create an automation with a Controller blueprint. You can then create an automation with this Hook, making sure that you provide the same controller device or entity used in the corresponding Controller blueprint. This key step will link the two automations and ensure the Hook will respond to events fired by the Controller.ā€

How do you do that?

Here is my Hook Light with a Ikea Tradfri (wireless 5-button remote) using blueprint Version 2021.12.05
It doesnā€™t require a Controller Entity :man_shrugging:

Thanks for that.

Iā€™ve been playing around with this for a few days and it doesnā€™t work.

I guess it doesnā€™t work with ZHA?

Iā€™m running Home Assistant 2022.2.2


I got it working LOL

I was reading this:

(deCONZ, ZHA) Controller Device

To mean the actual coordinator, not the remote hardware.

Too many ā€œControllersā€ being throw about LOL

EDIT 2: The spoke too soon edit LOL

So its basically working fine. But the one press to pause, pauses for 2 seconds and then resumes?

Here is my YAML

alias: Hook - Media Player
description: ''
  path: EPMatt/media_player.yaml
    controller_model: IKEA E1744 SYMFONISK Rotary Remote
    media_player: media_player.spotify_xxxxxxx
    controller_device: 138cc4d394d30f61cec21662978be2c9
alias: Controller - IKEA E1744 SYMFONISK Rotary Remote
description: ''
  path: EPMatt/ikea_e1744.yaml
    integration: ZHA
    action_rotate_left: []
    action_rotate_right: []
    helper_last_controller_event: input_text.bedroom_volume_control
    controller_device: 138cc4d394d30f61cec21662978be2c9

I donā€™t own the Symfonisk so itā€™s hard for me to help but although single clicks work fine on my 5-button wireless Ikea remote, I do have problems with the double-clicks.
For instance, Center button double press has :

service: media_player.media_pause
  entity_id: media_player.kitchen
data: {}

but it doesnā€™t catch the double click and acts like 1 single click even though I toggled the ā€œExpose center button double press eventā€ and increase the ā€œHelper - Double Press delayā€ value :man_shrugging:


I need help, automaton stop working

HA Version: 2022.4.0


alias: Symfonisk Sound Controller BĆ¼ro
description: ''
  path: EPMatt/ikea_e1744.yaml
    integration: ZHA
    controller_device: 0ddb10f3589872adf90f6b8e1b7a83eb
    helper_last_controller_event: input_text.symfonisk_sound_controller_buro
      - service: media_player.volume_set
          volume_level: 0.05
          device_id: e785db843fa2ef91f5c7a5ee5e962e52
      - service: media_player.play_media
          entity_id: media_player.sonos_buro
          media_content_id: FV:2/10
          media_content_type: favorite_item_id
          title: RADIO BOB!
          thumbnail: >-
          media_class: genre
          children_media_class: null
            - {}
            - media_content_type: favorites
              media_content_id: ''
            - media_content_type: favorites_folder
              media_content_id: object.item.audioItem.audioBroadcast


alias: Symfonisk Sound Controller BĆ¼ro Hook
description: ''
  path: EPMatt/media_player.yaml
    controller_device: 0ddb10f3589872adf90f6b8e1b7a83eb
    controller_model: IKEA E1744 SYMFONISK Rotary Remote
    media_player: media_player.sonos_buro
    volume_steps_short: 30
    volume_steps_long: 30

I would just like to concur that this blueprint is broken on 2022.4.0 and 2022.4.1 on my system. I reverted to 2022.3.8, and everything is working againā€”Iā€™ll hang here until I can find a solution as I rely on this blueprint in my system.

Unfortunately, I donā€™t have the know-how for how to trace and debug the problem.

Edit to add, Iā€™m using this for media control, play/pause on click do in fact work, it is the volume up/down that no longer works.

Broken for me too on 2022.4.1. I was hoping it wasnā€™t just me.

The push button still works, the rotary control does not.